Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2036: Lonely Joe One

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Ye Hong knew that the intelligence personnel of the Yan Group in the United States were divided into the Ming Group and the Dark Group.

The secret group personnel have been ambushing in various classes for a long time, acting as ordinary people.

These intelligence personnel will only contact Wei Qianling alone, and even Zhou Xiaoba does not know who they are, and it is impossible to bring them to Ye Hong to know.

The three people in front of them, together with Zhou Xiaoba, are the four main intelligence personnel of the Ming Group in L City.

But even for the Ming group, it is impossible to act in the United States with real names for personal safety.

The code name became their daily name.

Obviously, Zhou Xiaoba is just a code name.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoba also introduced Yehong to their usual division of work.

"First of all me."

Zhou Xiaoba scratched his head with some embarrassment: "I usually like to walk around, so it is equivalent to the liaison officer and the pioneer intelligence officer in the group."

Zhou Xiaoba said lightly, but Ye Hong knew the difficulty of this job.

After all, when you have to contact all kinds of people, the danger will increase geometrically.

"Fang Jiujiu is our data division and is responsible for secretly sending the intelligence we collect back to China.

At the same time, we will also use big data to help us build an intelligence analysis database. "

Fang Jiujiu immediately raised Chao Yehong's hand with a look of excitement: "I heard about the night fairy consultant's fairy firewall, which made the hackers in the United States have a headache.

I used to want to see for myself how the genius invented this firewall.

See today, you are more handsome than I thought! "

Ye Hong smiled indifferently, and held a hand with Fang Jiujiu's hand.

He has a good view of the little girl.

As a data engineer, but not a bit stiff, at first glance is a very good person.

"Lao Chen, our think tank military division, basically planned and arranged his usual activities.

Every time we can escape from danger, it all depends on his strategic planning. "

Mr. Chen also politely greeted Ye Hong.

Ye Hong glanced at the person instantly.

To be a good think tank in a place like the United States, the demands on resourcefulness and mentality are extremely high.

Looking at the appearance of Zhou Xiaoba and Fang Jiujiu, they also respect Chen Laosan quite.

"As for Joe One..."

Before Zhou Xiaoba introduced the iceberg woman, she saw her impatiently and said: "No need to introduce, let's go straight."

After talking, he turned and left the room.

The remaining three were a little embarrassed.

Zhou Xiaoba smiled bitterly at Ye Hong: "Qiao Yi is good, but his temper is a little weird, and I hope you will bear more."

At this time, Fang Jiujiu, who was next to him, was afraid of the rise of Ye Hong, and he quickly added: "Ye Advisor, our code name is actually very particular.

Depending on the status, the numbers are different.

The higher the number, the higher the status within the family.

Like Zhou Xiaoba, the status in the group is actually a little higher than me. "

Ye Hong listened to his expression, but had not noticed this before.

This method of arranging the heights by numbers is quite similar to the arrangement of the outer disciples of the Ji family.

"So..." Zhou Xiaoba first glared at Fang Jiuyi, and then smiled bitterly: "Although Qiao Yi is usually only responsible for combat work.

But really, we all have to listen to her orders. "

Yehong nodded to understand.

After all, powerful people have strange tempers.

For example, Sima Zhengming, known to Ye Hong, and Wu Chi, are notoriously eccentric.

So he could understand Qiao Yi's character.

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