Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2037: Underground space under the church

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"As soon as Joe was right, let's not waste time here, hurry to Tasi Town."

When Ye Hongda waved his hand, everyone took the minivan of Zhou Xiaoba and headed north.

The town of Tasi, more than one hundred kilometers from L city.

This distance is neither long nor short.

Even though Zhou Xiaoba was at full speed, it took more than an hour to reach the town.

Coming to the town, Ye Hong discovered that this was a quiet and sparsely populated town.

Even many houses on the street are hung with signs for sale.

Obviously, people have already left the building empty.

"Alas, since the traces of the underground laboratory were found here, people in the town have been very insecure and have moved away from here."

Zhou Xiaoba explained to Ye Hong the cause of the desolation.

"Fuck, don't you always want to buy a small villa?

Now is a good opportunity. "

Fang Jiujiu didn't know when to turn on the computer, staring at the screen and said brightly: "On the Internet, housing prices in Tasi Town fell to the lowest point in history.

Do not buy at this time, when will you wait? "

"Go, I don't want to live in such a ghost place."

Zhou Xiaoba said impatiently.

While listening to the fight between the two, Ye Hong and everyone came to Zhenbei.

What appeared before was a solemn and magnificent cathedral.

The huge church is the largest building in the entire town of Tasi.

In front of the cathedral at this time, it has been surrounded by a layer of cordon.

Inside and outside the cordon, guard a group of white men.

Seeing Ye Hong and others approaching, they immediately came over and issued a warning: "The front is the crime scene, which is under the care of FCI, and idlers and other people are not allowed to enter!"

Yehong They haven't spoken yet, but there is a pretty voice from the side: "A bunch of idiots, quickly make way!"

Yehong turned his head and found that Jackson and Istiah were walking side by side.

It was the grumpy Istia who reprimanded the white men.

"Agent Jackson, Agent Estia..."

Seeing the two, the FCI members all greeted respectfully.

"Did you receive the teacher's order?

Let it go! "

Jackson at this time also frowned.

The FCI people immediately opened the cordon with fear and sincerity.

Ye Hongyue was glad to recruit these two men.

With them, in many cases, unnecessary waste of time can be reduced.

Everyone walked into the church and found that the floor of the hall had already been excavated.

A dark passage opening appeared under the floor.

"Below is the underground laboratory of the Nightmare Factory."

Istiah pointed at the intersection.

Ye Hong heart said that this was the case.

The people of the United States have a firm belief and respect for the gods.

In a sacred and majestic place like the cathedral, they dare not go in and out at will.

So the Nightmare Factory took advantage of this kind of psychology and built the entrance of the underground laboratory in the cathedral.

It is no wonder that the residents of Tashi Township have discovered this matter late.

Walking into the passage, flashing a flashlight and enduring the pungent underground air, all the way winding down.

After walking for about three minutes, the light reappeared in front of my eyes.

Appearing in front of Yehong is a huge underground space.

The entire underground space is made of steel with special composition, and there is a sense of coldness when walking on it.

In the steel space, it is divided into steel houses one by one.

Thick walls, thicker gates, and fire-fighting facilities everywhere show the solidity of the space.

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