Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2038: Abrupt stele

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With the solidity of this space, it can be used as an air raid shelter.

All these signs indicate that the Nightmare Factory must have invested a lot of money here.

The whole space is about half the size of a football field.

However, Ye Hong visited all the rooms and found that the rest were empty except for some furniture that could not be taken away.

Ye Hong stretched his hands on the furniture, then placed a sniff under his nose.

A pungent smell of disinfectant came from it.

Ye Hong could not help frowning.

Obviously, the evacuation of the Nightmare Factory did not want to appear so alarmed.

They even have time to sprinkle disinfection water in every corner of the space to eliminate all taste.

In this way, even detective dogs with sensitive noses cannot track their traces.

Even Ye Hong's detective ability appeared to be misfired.

"That's why our FCI hasn't made progress, these cunning mice!"

Istiah kicked the wall angrily beside him.

Ye Hong didn't say anything, just walked away with the crowd.

When approaching the entrance, Joe Yi on the side said coldly, "It's a waste of time!"

She said nothing, but everyone heard her alluding to Yehong.

Only because he came to the laboratory to investigate this time was Ye Hong's determination.

So Qiao Yi is talking about Ye Hong wasting everyone's time.

The faces of Zhou Xiaoba and Fang Jiujiu were immediately embarrassed.

"Qiao Yi! Pay attention to your attitude towards the night consultant!"

Mr. Chen finally couldn't help it, and made a cold voice.

In this group, only the older ones are qualified to talk about Qiao Yi.

"Huh! Director Wei is only kinship and sent a so-called [good brother] to come but let us all listen to him. It's ridiculous!"

Qiao Yi glanced at Yehong with a scornful glance, flicking a huge ponytail, stepping on a proud footstep, and wanted to leave alone.


At this moment, Ye Hong suddenly shouted.

"You want to toss again..."

Qiao Yi smiled coldly, and was about to look back at mocking, but found that Ye Hong was not calling her, but focused his attention on a stone tablet.

This stone monument is about the same height as Zhou Xiaoba, standing alone at the door.

Yehong didn't pay attention to this stone when he was going through the gate because the stone was facing nothing on the outside of the door.

But when I was leaving at this time, I saw that the side of the stele facing away from the door was inscribed with some writing!

Ye Hong patted his head annoyedly.

A stone monument was suddenly placed in a steel space, and it was a strange thing to think about it.

It’s stupid not paying attention before.

He hurried three steps and made two steps, and came to the back of the stele to observe the writing on it.

It can be seen that the whole stone tablet is inscribed with peculiar tadpole-like characters.

Every text is like a certain form of display.

Weird and strange.

"This stone monument was noticed by FCI before.


Jackson shrugged: "We looked at all the places and didn't know what the text was above.

It is estimated that the boring guy graffiti on it. "

"Humph! Of course you don't know, because this is the script of our ancient Yan Dynasty [Yin Jiawen]!"

Fang Jiujiu pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose and proudly said: "This kind of text does not say that you, the nations with few years of history, even our Yan Guo, few people know now."

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