Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2045: Black Arms and Black Arms

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Seeing the executives nodding, Semens frowned: "I have an impression of that guy.

Mad is a little crazy, but hasn't he always been obedient?

Is something wrong? "

Another executive said: "It's strange that the town of Cado has cut off contact with our headquarters from a few days ago.

We have sent Oni to investigate the situation. "

"Ohni..." Simons disdained: "If the West Coast rabid is really distracted, Ouni can't help him."

It seems that in the words of Simons, an employee came to know immediately: "Boss boss, Oni is back, but..."

Soon, Oni was brought to Simons.

At the same time, there were the three Ye Qimen who had escaped together from the base of the Kaduo branch.

They all flinched, and they didn't dare to look at the legendary dark emperor—Semons.

"Boss boss, Bruno is just too deceiving!"

Oni was already crying with the arm in his hand.

He stated that he had feedback with Semens about all his experiences in Cado.

At the end, I added a sentence: "My words are true, they can testify!"


A mouthful of sarcasm was raised in the corner of Simons's mouth, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him: "Bruno really treats Oni like this?"

All three nodded.


Semens slapped the table fiercely again, knocking the other half of the marble table down.

His expression was not half angry, but a burst of excitement.

"I haven't seen such an arrogant guy like Bruno in a long time since the power of the Black Arms.

He stood up and twisted his muscles, making a clanging sound of gold and stone.

"Quack, it seems that my hands and feet that are about to rust will soon be able to move."

Simons pointed at the three men and said, "Three of you, take me to the town of Cado.

I'd like to see if Bruno has grown new dog galls and dare to rebel against the headquarters! "

The three were startled, and then agreed with excitement and excitement.

"Boss, shall we notify [Godmother]?"

Some executives worried.

"[Godmother]?" Simons sneered coldly, glaring at the executive. "Has this person?"

The executive dare not speak immediately.

Soon, the entire headquarters building became noisy.

A fully-armed member, black vehicles, all rushed out of the building, leaving City H and heading towards City L over there.

It was exactly in the morning, and Night Seven in the town of Cardo also discovered the strange departure of Oni and the three men.

His brow furrowed, and he ordered to go on.

Immediately afterwards, the town of Cardo entered martial law.

The residents of the town have hid in houses.

A series of temporary fortifications have also been paved outside the town.

Nearly in the evening, intensive car roar came from outside the town.

Holding the telescope, Ye Qi suddenly saw that the avenue outside the town had been occupied by a torrent of black steel.

The members of the Black Arms in Kaduo also exclaimed.

"It's the headquarters team!"

They looked at Yeqi nervously.

"Stay on the frontline, don't let them come in town!"

Ye Qi coldly ordered.

The men gritted their teeth and could only start to prepare their defenses.

Ye Qi picked up her phone several times and put it down again.

Face tangled, muttered to himself: "This little thing can't trouble the owner, otherwise it would be too stupid..."

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