Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2046: Pointing culinary skills

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Drunken House.

Ye Hong is guiding Jiang Yi's cooking skills.

He always felt that he had caused a lot of trouble for Zui Wengju after he came.

In order to make up for the shortfall in his heart, Ye Hong decided to take advantage of Jiang Yi and Tusca in his spare time.

But it is not Gu Wu, Gu Wu has a solid foundation master such as Leng Feng, and Ye Hong does not need to cross the line.

So he thought about it and could only replace the irresponsible Jiang Elephant, taking advantage of this time in the United States to help a group of two poor children improve their cooking skills.

At least after they have left the United States, the two can continue their normal business.

But what Yehong didn’t think of was that Tasca, who had been praying for Yehong as a teacher all day, had no cooking talent at all and gave up after less than ten minutes of learning.

Instead, Jiang Yi persevered.

Jiang Yi was raised by Jiang Elephant since he was a child. Although there is an irresponsible teacher, he still has some knowledge.

There are a lot of things that Yehong just dials a little, and he can understand it himself.

Ye Hong couldn't teach him too high-end skills, such as medicinal diet and heart diet.

I will not mention Xinshan for the time being. After all, it is a mysterious and mysterious one.

Enlightenment is epiphany, and it can't be understood for a lifetime.

Even Ye Hong, who has master-level education ability, can't convey this feeling.

As for the ability of medicinal diet, the chef is required to have a certain basis of ancient medicine.

However, Jiang Yi does not talk about ancient medicine any more than ordinary medical treatment.

So the piece of medicated food was also abandoned by Ye Hong.

Thinking about it, Ye Hong decided to teach Jiang Yi several signature dishes of night food.

Such as Supreme Osmanthus Red Bean Cake, Supreme Beef Noodles, etc.

If Jiang Yi learns well, in the future, he might be able to make a name for the dishes of night food in the land of the United States of America, and make it shine.

But these are all things to think about later.

While Jiang Yi was cooking according to Ye Hong's instructions, he peeped at Ye Hong with some anxiety.

After these few days, Jiang Yi called a worship to Ye Hong.

But at the same time, it is inevitable that they fear the powerful Yehong.

In these two emotions, there seems to be a mixture of deep envy.

At the same age, why is the ability gap so large?

"It's hard to learn at night from the mother's womb?

But that's too late..."

Jiang Yi quickly awakened and found that this idea was disrespectful to Ye Hong, and quickly pulled back his attention away to cooking.

Just when Ye Hong taught Jiang Yi cooking, Zhou Xiaoba broke into the kitchen anxiously.

"Night Advisor, I just received the information, and the Black Arm headquarters in City H has been deployed!"

Ye Hong didn't raise his head, it didn't matter: "Move when you're out, shut my fart... wait!"

He immediately turned to look at Zhou Xiaoba, coldly said: "Where is the goal?"

"Kado Town." Zhou Xiaoba smiled bitterly.

Yehong frowned immediately.

What he was most worried about still happened.

After conquering Yeqi, Yehong was satisfied with Yeqi's loyalty.

But this kind of loyal loyalty is a double-edged sword.

The reason for saying this is because of the big knife hanging over the head of Ye Qi at any time-the Black Arm headquarters!

After all, nominally, the Black Arm branch in Kaduo Town is still under the jurisdiction of the Black Arm headquarters.

But one minister does not matter to the two masters, and since Yeqi is loyal to Yehong, he can no longer be loyal to the headquarters.

If the headquarters is aware of Ye Qi’s second heart and the urinary nature of the Black Arm headquarters, it is very likely that Ye Qi will be operated to achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys!

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