Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2047: We two are really not enough

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Ye Hong had imagined that this would happen, but did not expect it to happen so suddenly.

The headquarters of the Black Arms acted more decisively and quickly than he expected.

It must have happened what I didn't know.

However, although Ye Hong did not know what the situation is now in the town of Kaduo, he would not let go of Ye Qi.

Since Yeqi was loyal to him, he had to protect Yeqi.


Ye Hong decisively abandoned Jiang Yi's teaching and pulled Zhou Xiaoba out.

"Night, night consultant, where are we going?"

Zhou Xiaoba, who was pulled away by the cold, suddenly sinks in his heart, and has a bad hunch.

"Nonsense, Cardo Town!"

Hearing Ye Hong's reply, Zhou Xiaoba suddenly showed no blood on his face: "Just, both of us?!"

"Yeah, we really are not enough..."

Just when Zhou Xiaoba breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Ye Hong continue: "You have to drive in your car."

So Zhou Xiaoba's heart fell to the bottom again.

When the two came to Zhou Xiaoba's van, they found that there was already a person in the car.

"Fang Jiujiu, why are you here?"

Zhou Xiaoba stared his eyes and said, "Also! You don't have a car key, why did you get in my car?"

"Huh! This girl has a dual master's degree in computer and mechanical engineering from Yanwu Military University. Isn't it easy to break your bad lock?"

Fang Jiujiu said proudly.

"You...!" Zhou Xiaoba choked, and quickly reached out to catch the flies: "Go, go, get off.

We are going to a very dangerous place, don't mix it up as a technical girl. "

"Hey, this is the purpose of my car."

Fang Jiujiu said with a mysterious smile: "Are you two going to Cado Town?"

Zhou Xiaoba was surprised for a moment: "How do you know?

I remember not telling you this information? "

Fang Jiujiu smiled again, opened the laptop on his knee, and said with one finger: "Look, now the H City Forum is all sensational."

Ye Hongning looked around and found that the H forum of the H forum was on his computer.

Highly prominent on the front page is a post titled "The Black Arms Come Out and Clean Up Internal Traitors."

The content of the post is a picture of the headquarters of the Black Arms taken by locals in H city.

According to the photos, the Black Arms dispatched at least three hundred vehicles of all kinds this time.

Such as transport vehicles, armored vehicles, signal vehicles... and so on.

Not to mention the number of people, the entire headquarters has been dispatched.

Even Yu has transferred people from the surrounding branches.

The most striking is the deputy leader of the Black Arms, and the actual leader of the Black Arms, Semens, also appeared in the photo.

The guy known as the Dark Emperor personally went out to prove the scale of this "clean up traitor" operation.

It is reported that this is the largest operation launched by Semens since taking office.

Under that post, I have followed countless comments.

[There is a good show. 】

[Guess how many people will die this time? 】

[I bet at least one hundred, otherwise I’m sorry for the name Semens. 】

[The guy named Bruno really can’t think of it. Who is bad to betray, must betray Simons? 】

[Hahaha, the Cado town branch will be history from today. 】


One comment after another was shocking, almost all were not optimistic about the town of Cado who could survive this catastrophe.

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