Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2049: Alone, you counsel an egg

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"[Xingyi Quan·Xingyi God Fight]!"

The answer to those three people was a very fast fist.

In just a blink of an eye, the three felt a sharp pain in their abdomen, all kneeling on the ground with their stomachs covered.

"What happened? What happened?"

The three men covered their stomachs in fright and pain, only to feel that several ribs were broken.

The most terrifying thing to them, they haven't reflected what happened in the moment just now.

"It's your kid!"

Some of the three finally understood, and looked up at Yehong in front of him.

Ye Hong squeezed his fist, looking dissatisfied.

It's been a while since I haven't used Xingyi Boxing for a long time.

Otherwise, only those three punches should be able to make these three people speechless.

But he didn't get too tangled, and raised his steps to move on.

The battle has just begun!

The three defeated members of the Black Arms saw the situation and quickly screamed at the team: "Someone attacked!!"

Soon, the team at the headquarters of the Black Arms successively received warnings from the rear of the team.

At this time, Semens was standing on the roof of a car in the middle of the brigade, with a smirk looking at the direction of Cadozhen with the telescope in his hand.

Driven by the violent advance of the headquarters army, the defense line of Kaduo Town has shrunk and shrunk, and has begun to retreat to the underground base.

"It should be half an hour away and I will cut Bruno's head off to kick the ball!"

While Semens was confident, someone next to him came to report: "Boss, there is a guy behind the team who killed him!"

"Alone?" Simons frowned.

"Yes! Alone!" the men replied.

"It's just a person, and it's not a superman. You guys blame me?!" Simons sprayed the man's face directly. "Make a weapon squad and shoot me that man into a sieve!"

"Follow the order!" The man immediately sent Semens' order to the rear of the team.

And Semens also left the episode behind, and continued to observe the battle in the direction of Cado Town with a telescope.

At this time, Ye Hong gathered more and more members of the Black Arms.

All of them were fierce and evil, and there was a strange cry in the air, and they came towards Yehong for siege.

The dense crowd, like the bees who were dispatched collectively.

But no matter how many people are opposite, Ye Hong is just a punch.

"[Xingyi Quan·Xia Ba Hands· Lion Roar]!"

"[Xingyiquan·Middle Eight Hands·Pengbo]!"

"[Xingyi Quan·Upper Eight Hands·Dragon Battle]!"

On the battlefield, Ye Hong's cold voice kept ringing.

Every utterance is accompanied by a furious punch.

For every punch, there must be a member of the headquarters of the Black Arms who fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

To deal with this kind of human tactics, the simple and efficient Xingyiquan is very practical.

In the past period of time, Ye Hong even merged the upper eight hands of the Xingyi God with twenty-four absolute hands, namely the Yin and Yang eight hands.

At this time, with the next eight hands and middle eight hands, relying solely on the Xingyi fist of Xingyiquan, they beat these people in the headquarters of the Black Arms to cry and cry.


Someone couldn't hold on, holding his head and making a crashing and desperate voice.

God knows how many brothers they fell in that round of beating.

What made them so desperate was that the monster in front of him was still walking in a hurry, harvesting the battlefield with punches and punches!

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