Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2050: Guns, bullets and rain

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"Don't be afraid! The weapons team is here!"

In the crowd of the Black Arms, someone suddenly shouted.

After seeing the siege team violently retreat, giving way to an area.

In that area, there were a group of members of the Black Arms holding black pistols.

At a glance, there were twenty pistols aimed at Ye Hong.

The muzzle of each pistol flashed a terrifying cold light.

This is the weapon squad at the headquarters of the Black Arms!

"He is dead!"

"Quickly beat him into a hedgehog!"

Seeing the weapon squad coming to aid, the original members were relieved.

They swept the despair in front of them and pointed to Yehong with excitement and excitement: "Quick! Shoot him!"

Twenty pistols, suddenly pulled the trigger!




The neat and dense gunshots suddenly sounded.

"Do not!!!"

In the van in the distance, Zhou Xiaoba and Fang Jiujiu looked at this scene dizzyingly.

The two men closed their eyes in pain, and couldn't bear to see the tragic scene of Ye Hong being crossed by gunfire.

At this time, Ye Hong made an incredible move in the eyes of everyone's consternation!

I saw that he not only didn't mean to retreat in the slightest, but rushed towards the gun Lin Danyu!

"He's crazy!"

This is a common thought in the hearts of all Black Arm members.

Ye Hong rushed forward while his other eyes condensed into a line of sight, looking at the bullets that were flying.

"Ding! Trigger Grandmaster-level vision and Trigger Grandmaster-level effects."

Under master-level vision, all bullets were instantly slowed down more than a hundred times!

So these bullets at this time are no different from Ye Hong's walking speed.

"Ding! Trigger mastery dodge ability!"

Combined with the ability to dodge, Ye Hong easily flicked these oncoming bullets.

Guns, bullets and rain, walking in the court!

This is not the first time that Honghong dodges bullets, but it is the most relaxing one.

Unlike the previous dangerous situation in Anming County, Yehong, who grew up, is no longer afraid of bullets, which is a killer for ordinary people.

However, the easy movement in Ye Hong's eyes was shocked by ghosts and gods at the heart of those members of the Black Arms!

In a blink of an eye, they found that all twenty bullets flashed past Ye Hong.

No one hit it!

It looks like these bullets voluntarily escaped from Yehong!

Above the battlefield, suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"Fake, fake?"

After a long time, there was a sound, but it was full of horror.

All members of the Black Arms are ashamed.

"It must be his luck!"

"Weapon Squad, launch again!"

"I don't believe he can't shoot him this time!"

Twenty bullets were loaded again, and the cold barrel aimed at Yehong again.

But Fang Caiye Hong didn't pay attention to let them shoot, will they give them a second chance?

The answer is clearly no.

"[Shushan Kendo]!"

Ye Hong cleared his mouth, and suddenly a violent wind formed on the road outside him.

The winds rolled up the dust, and soon filled most of the battlefield.

Twenty gunmen were filled with sand and dust, and all spit the sand in their mouths.

But what scared them most was that they had lost their aim because of the dust and dust!

"Be careful!"

"he came!"

A figure, riding a violent wind, wearing yellow sand, like a ghost, suddenly slammed into the weapon squad!

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