Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2055: Be regarded as a god

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Unlike the **** sacrifices of the Yan people, the United States is more willing to believe that there is a true **** in this world.

They believe that the true God will act in the world, spread the blessings to the world, and punish those who disrespect the true God.

When the fear reached its extreme, these members of the Black Arms did not choose to escape, but re-examined Ye Hong's identity.

In their view, the elite of 100 people began to kill each other in front of Yehong for no reason, and did not hurt Yehong's hair from beginning to end.

Is this something humans can do?

Only the true God has this magical ability!

Therefore, this scene of kneeling appears.

"Ding! Being regarded as a god, popularity +1, influence +1, charm +1..."

Yehong ignored these "believers" and was still moving towards Semens.

Of course, there are also some sane members of the Black Arms who guard Semens.

Regardless of the other members who have no fighting spirit, these people are just a small part of the loyalty.

"Go away!"

Simons kicked the person in front of him, and his whole body jumped off the roof.

With a bang, the hard ground was stepped into two big holes about 20 cm deep with his feet.

Ye Hong could not help raising an eyebrow.

The power of Semens seems to be beyond imagination.

At this time, Semens scratched his chin, revealing a smile of interest: "Your kid is the man behind Bruno?

I'm also curious why Bruno would betray the headquarters suddenly. It turns out that you are behind you.

You really want to make it clear, to fight against our Black Arms in the end? !

Leaving now, I can give you a life. "

However, Ye Hong replied faintly: "The person who took you out of Kado Town, I can spare you a dog's life."

"You!" Clemens was squinted with anger and snarled: "Since you are deliberately looking for death, I will satisfy you today!"

His arms suddenly widened outwards, and the muscles in his body suddenly exerted force, tearing the black suit in the upper body into pieces.

At this point, you can clearly see that Semens's hard, rock-like muscles.

At the same time, Ye Hong also found a strange belt around the waist of Semens.

A warning sign indicating this [danger] is engraved on this belt.

At this time, Semens poked his finger on the belt with a proud face: "This [Alienation Belt] is the alienation that I forced the [Alienation Research Institute] group of old things to create for me. Start the tool.

Know why I don’t use alienated wristbands?

Because that kind of **** thing is not worthy of the power in my body! "

As he said, Simens pulled the belt hard.

At the same time, the body of Simons suddenly changed strangely.

Those stone-like muscles began to be stained with black gloss.

Like ink and charcoal, it is extremely strong.

Semens' arms stretched out a lot.

After his transformation, he patted on the muscles of his chest a few times with a frantic expression.

Every time, a sound of hammering sounded like a knock on a hard stone.

The whole shape is like a black diamond gorilla.

It's no wonder that the outside world wants to give Simons the nickname [Black Orangutan].

It turns out that this is the real shape of the chimpanzee!

"Oops, the boss has transformed, leave this place!"

The members of the Black Arms around him were suddenly scared and pale, and fled around.

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