Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2056: Obsidian alienation

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When Simons roared, he threw his arms and threw a punch at Ye Hong's location!

The violent force even brought a whirlwind between the flats.

The wind was blowing, Ye Hong narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, the figure flashed through the thump.


The giant fist hit the ground and smashed a two-meter square hole directly on the ground.

If Ye Hong didn't flash, it must have been smashed into a meatloaf at this time!

Seeing this great power, Ye Hong's eyelids jumped.

Obviously, the power behind Semens' transformation became more than Ye Hong's imagination.

He couldn't help being thankful. Fortunately, this guy was huge and didn't move so quickly. He had enough reaction time for Ye Hong to avoid.

Ye Hong didn't want Semens to continue punching, and the figure went around behind Semens, and gave a fierce slap on his most vulnerable back neck.

However, at this moment, Semens's neck flashed dark black.

Ye Hong's palm fell on it, and even made a collision sound hitting the stone.


With a loud noise, Ye Hong found that his palms did not even open the skin of Semens!

It just left a light palm print on it.

This is only the most fragile neck part, if you change to other harder parts, Ye Hong can't imagine it!

What a terrifying defense capability this is!

It is no wonder that Semens has been able to dominate the Black Arm for so long, it seems that there are really two brushes.

Ye Hong suddenly wondered about the powerful destructive and defensive source of Simons, and opened up his ability to see through.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: special element alienator.

Target is good at ability: Obsidian alienation.

Fighting style: Obsidian strengthened and indestructible.

Target weakness: insufficient information collection, temporarily unable to analyze. "

Obsidian alienation!

Ye Hong once heard Jackson mention them, in addition to the ordinary elements like him and Istia, there are special element alienators among the elemental alienators.

Obviously, Simons is in front of him.

Obsidian is one of the top ten hardness in the gem industry.

Obsidian can also be made into a solid weapon.

It is a kind of gem with both offensive and defensive functions.

However, Ye Hong did not expect that one day he would see an obsidian body on a human.

It's no wonder that Fang just didn't break the defense of Semens!

Now the question is coming.

Faced with such a tough guy, how to beat him?

While Ye Hong was thinking, Semens also turned his fist and swung again towards Ye Hong behind him.

Ye Hong was another flash.


He flashed away, but the pickup behind him was not so lucky, and was directly smashed into two segments by Simens' fist.

After that, Ye Hong dodged the attacks of Semens again and again, and at the same time, he worked crazy in his mind, thinking about the best solution.

Yehong knows that the outbreak of Yewu Daoyi may be able to solve this person.

Ye Hong didn't want to do this.

Because of this, Ye Hong will inevitably lose combat power in a short time.

If other accidents occurred at that time, Ye Hong would be unable to respond.

Therefore, to deal with the existence of Semens, you must not be reckless, you must use a more ingenious method to deal with him.

Seeing the changes on the battlefield, other people on the battlefield began to change as well.

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