Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2057: Break through each other, inside and outside!

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Those members of the Black Arms, who had originally enshrined Yehong as a god, saw the scene of Yehong being chased by Semens, and could not help but shake the previous beliefs.

As for the members who were loyal to Simons, of course, they were all cheering and cheering for Simon.

Zhou Xiaoba and Fang Jiujiu in the van stopped the farce even more, watching the battlefield anxiously.

"It turns out that the intelligence we collected before that Semens was the alienator is correct.

But I did not expect this state after alienation! "

Zhou Xiaoba looked at the violent "orangutan" on the battlefield, frowned, and tried to help Ye Hong think about how to deal with it.

But he suddenly discovered that Fang Jiujiu looked back without saying a word.

"Hello! The night consultant is fighting, where are you looking?"

Zhou Xiaoba couldn't help but speak out angrily.

"Hush! There seems to be someone there."

Fang Jiujiu stared and found a graceful figure walking slowly on the avenue in the distance.

On the other side, Ye Hong, who was evading the Semens attack, suddenly saw a light in his eyes.

"Yeah, how did I almost forget that thing!"

He frowned annoyedly, extended his index finger, and made a trace of void in the air.

The silver light bloomed in Yehong's fingers.

Soon, a chessboard composed of silver light was generated in front of Yehong.

"【Cang Mo Pen Road·World and Earth Board】!"

Ye Hong shouted and pushed the chessboard towards the direction of Semens' body!

That's right, this trick naturally imitated Ge Dan's blue ink.

However, Ye Hong does not just imitate the shape of the world chessboard, what he really wants is the dark ink Dao implied in it!

He made him strong, and the breeze blew the hills.

Cang Mo said, the best thing is to be clever, just in line with the situation in front of Ye Hong.

Don't forget how the alienated Alexto, who had the same defensive power, was defeated by Ge Dan.

The so-called sturdy external environment is also afraid of internal decay.

And what Ye Hong is going to do now is to attack each other, break the face, break the inside and the outside!

The silver chessboard entered Semens' body instantly.

Semens had a good body and looked left and right, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"So it's mysterious!"

With a grin, he continued to launch a powerful attack against Ye Hong's position.

"I'd like to see if you can dodge a few...mm!"

Halfway through the words, Semens' entire body suddenly stiffened in the air.

He looked at his body with horror, and then stared at Yehong in horror: "What have you done in my body?"

At this time, Semens only felt that there was a strange breath in his body, which stirred the inside of his body upside down.

For the first time, Semens felt pain in his extremely hard body!

Ye Hongwei closed his eyes, extended his right hand, and snapped a finger in the air!


Just listening to Semens' body, suddenly a muffled sound of an object burst.

He howled and couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

A burst of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Semens wiped the corner of his mouth, looking at the traces on his hand in panic: "Blood! This is blood!"

However, this is not over yet.

Yehong's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "Simons, feel the power of the ancient country's martial arts."




I don't know how many shouts in a row, Ye Hong instantaneously detonated all the dark ink Daoism that had entered the body of Semens.

A series of explosions sounded inside Semens.

Semens' body kept rolling on the ground, accompanied by the screams, and there was blood oozing from his obsidian body!

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