Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2059: Let's meet again

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"The master has no idea. After the Black Arms retired, it was passed on to the godmother!

It was only after the godmother disappeared mysteriously that the great power would fall into the hands of Semens. "

Ye Qi explained.

At the same time, many members of the Black Arms also saluted the woman.

After Semens fell, the godmother who suddenly returned became a new soul for the homeless.

However, the woman ignored the members of the Black Arms and went straight to Ye Hong's side. Suddenly, she made a gesture that surprised everyone.

I saw this woman fluttering, holding Ye Hong's hand firmly, and a very charming smile on her face.

"Little handsome boy, let's meet again~"

Looking at the godmother whose entire body was leaning against Ye Hong, all the members of the Black Arms almost glared out.

The impact of this scene is no less than when their boss was slapped by Ye Hong on the ground.

What exactly is going on? !

Ye Hong twitched his lips, pushed away the squeezing head beside him, and sighed: "Vina... no, the godmother of the Black Arms, is it fun?"

That's right, this woman who suddenly appeared was Vina who had disappeared from Yan Kingdom before but secretly sent news to Yehong in the United States.

It is also the pretender W who took the task of the Nightmare Factory but somehow betrayed the organization!

It is also the only mysterious woman that Ye Hong cannot see through.

But this time when meeting Vina, Ye Hong was not surprised.

It seems to have been expected that Vina will appear today.

"Fun? Little handsome boy, people don't understand what you're talking about."

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Vina's eyes rolled slightly, and her hippie smiled.

"Don't be stupid, are you trying to use my hand to get rid of Semens?"

Ye Hong stared closely at Vina's eyes.

I tried to expand my mind reading ability, but I felt a layer of obstacles.

It seems that Vina's chameleon's ability to disguise can even disguise her mind.

"Really boring."

Vina grunted and waved at the next Black Arms member: "You first step back."

The members of the headquarters retreated suddenly and respectfully.

Ye Qi glanced at Ye Hong.

Seeing Ye Hong nodded at him, Ye Qi directed the members of the branch of Kaduo Town to retreat together.

Only Simons lay silently on the ground, as if everyone suddenly forgot about this person.

Vina looked at Yeqi's back enviously and asked curiously, "How did you conquer this West Coast rabid dog?"

Ye Hong didn't answer her, but just said indifferently: "You just let him die in front of me because he couldn't conquer him?"

Vina didn't feel embarrassed at all and admitted frankly: "Yes, but I didn't expect you to conquer him and directly disrupt all my plans."

Ye Hong sighed silently in the heart, and the whisper came out.

When receiving Vina's information about Bruno, Ye Hong felt that Vina would not be so kind.

Sure enough, if the impulse really hit the night seven at the time, he would be caught by Vina.

Vina sneaked a glance at Ye Hong’s cold face, lowered her head and silently touched it with the index fingers of her two hands, and pouted her face in aggrieved expression: "Don’t you put on such a scary expression, people all follow Isn't it clear that you explain it?"

Ye Hong was unmoved at all.

It's strange that people like Vina will be wronged!

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