Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2060: Routines are all routines

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Sure enough, after half a second, Vina grinned again and turned to hold Ye Hong's hand.

In his ear, she said softly, "I can tell you what you want to know, including those private things, such as three..."


Yehong didn't dare to let Vina continue driving, and pulled her hand out of Vina's hand directly, Shen said: "Start with your true identity!"

"Oh! It's a man with an incomprehensible style."

Vina shrugged and blinked: "Don't you all know my true identity, the godmother of the Black Arms."

How about this title? "

"What's going on with Simons?"

Ye Hong continued to ask.

"He." Vina glanced at the silent Simons on the ground, slightly depressed: "This guy took my position as the leader while I was away from the headquarters.

I hate that I can't beat him!

and so......"

Vina smiled at Ye Hong slightly: "So I thought of you."

She looked up at the sky and giggled: "The biggest stupid thing the Nightmare Factory does is tell me your existence.

So I took the initiative to apply to go to Yan Guo to carry out the task, and approached you by the way.

Then it successfully tricked you into the United States. "

She looked down at Semens' silent body and mocked: "This guy is strong, can you be stronger?"

She kept her eyes on Ye Hong, her eyes shining with the light of wisdom that kept beating.

"My original plan was to let Bruno die in your hands so that Semens would still find you in a rage.

But I never expected Bruno to be directly subdued by you.

But this is fine, I quickly adjusted the plan.

You probably don’t know why Semens came to attack Cado?

It's all because of a member of the Black Arms called Oni.

He took a sum of my money and went to Cardo to provoke Bruno and provoke a dispute.

Otherwise, you think Oni is a fool, knowing Bruno's strength will come to Cado alone?

As soon as Oni had an accident, the rest would come naturally.

And then, Simons will be defeated by you.

Since then, no one in the Black Arms can challenge my status.

Say, how can I thank you? "

Vina blinked provocatively at Yehong, full of hints.

Ye Hong shook his head coldly.

He finally understood how Vina made the two sides fire together.

It turned out that it was just a small person who was easily overlooked, and the fuse was ignited.

And all of this is the foreshadowing that Vina did to remove Semens!

The most terrifying thing is that in order to achieve this goal, Vina made full use of the forces of all parties, designed layer by layer, and pulled the wire, step by step, playing with all forces between the palms.

Obviously, Ye Hong is also a part of her plan, and also the most important piece.

"So Jiang Taotao is in your hands?"

Ye Hong suddenly asked with a headache.

Vina said that she had deceived Ye Hong to the United States.

And Ye Hong's goal to come to the United States was naturally because of Jiang Taotao.

When the matter returned to the beginning, the information telling Jiang Taotao that the nightmare factory had taken it was not from Vina? !

"It's a man I like, it's smart!"

Weina grinned: "Yes, Jiang Taotao was certainly not taken away by the nightmare factory.

But without this fake news, I know there is no way to trick you into the United States.

So hehe..."

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