Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2069: Underground mine

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The entrance to the underground mine is located right in the middle of the Blue Swan Lake.

The entrance is funnel-shaped and has a diameter of 300 meters.

Looking down from the high altitude to the Blue Swan Lake, it seems that a still tornado stays in the center of the lake.

It is also because the hole is so big that it does not appear crowded.

Everyone selected different angles on the "funnel" to go down.

Yehong took a road after they parked their cars.

Because there have been people visiting the mine before, the road has been remodeled very conveniently.

Although the "funnel" is tilted downwards, walking on it is no need to worry about falling.

But the further down, as the "funnel" contracts, the mouth becomes narrower and narrower.

With the dim, there is light transmission farther and farther overhead.

Fortunately, there are artificial electric lights around the channel. No matter how bad it is, many people also bring their own light sources, avoiding the situation where everyone is black.

After passing through the narrow opening, the channel changed direction and tilted to another angle.

What has changed with it is a wider and wider field of vision.

It was understood by everyone that the terrain of the entire underground mine is not a funnel, but an hourglass that narrows first and then wide.

The real mine is at the bottom of the "hourglass".

When Yehong arrived in this area, they walked for nearly ten minutes, which showed the depth of the mine.

At this point, I don't have to continue down, but can move forward smoothly.

As soon as many people landed, they groaned in excitement and groped around.

"Blue Swan Diamond, I'm coming!"

Ye Hong shook his head silently.

Until now, it is not known whether the news of the Blue Swan Diamond is true or not.

It may be the fake news of the T state tourism department in order to attract tourists hype.

After all, this method is common in today's era.

So Ye Hong is not like those people, just looking at the environment around the mine with appreciation.

"Where did Zhou Hao go?"

At this moment, Leng Feng suddenly exclaimed.

Only then did everyone realize that the little fat man did not know when it disappeared.

"Alas, I guess I'm looking for diamonds.

Leave him alone, let's visit ours. "

Ye Hong shook his head a little speechlessly.

Earlier, he clearly told Qiandingwan to let everyone stay together to prevent any accidents.

However, Zhou Hao obviously did not listen to Ye Hong.

Forget it, don't find him later and let the scenic spot management office send a tracing radio.

Anyway, the shameful fat man was the shameful one.

Speaking of broadcasting, it is an official broadcast specially set up by Blue Swan Lake.

It turned out that before this, some people got lost in underground mines.

At this time, the official broadcast will play a role, transmitting the information to the people under the mine through the super-sonic speakers.

Where Yehong and others walked by, they discovered that the mine was divided into different forks.

Many people shuttle back and forth between the roads, sometimes excited and sometimes annoyed.

It is because I don’t know what the end of the road is, so that everyone can feel a sense of adventure.

Of course, some people exclaimed that they had found the blue swan diamond, but in the end, they all proved to be sensational.

In addition to getting a beating, there is no advantage.

But after everyone turned a few forks, Ye Hong suddenly stopped.

He could feel the earth shaking slightly!

"Leave this, hurry!"

Ye Hong frowned, immediately shouting at the people around him.

And at this time, the big horn above his head also issued a rapid and loud warning sound!

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