Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2070: Departure and return

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"Now broadcast an emergency notice: An unknown change has occurred in the mine. Please evacuate everyone immediately!"

"Now broadcast an emergency notice: An unknown change has occurred in the mine. Please evacuate everyone immediately!"

"Now broadcast an emergency notice: An unknown change has occurred in the mine. Please evacuate everyone immediately!"

The repeated broadcasts and the trembling ground made everyone in the mine like a startled bird, all rushing to the entrance.

However, due to the terrain, the narrow mouth is extremely congested, which makes it impossible to leave all of them at once.

The entire underground situation was instantly chaotic.

Shouts, insults, crying and crying... one after another.

"Zhou Xiaoba, send them out!"

Ye Hong took the initiative and made Zhou Xiaoba send all others except himself first.

"Night consultant, what about you?"

The Yan group couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"I'm going to Zhou Hao."

A bit of irritability flashed in Ye Hong's eyes.

If it were not Zhou Hao's sudden disappearance, he would not want to stay in this dangerous place.

If this shock continues, the entire mine is likely to collapse!

But now, the little fat man must be recovered!


Zhou Xiaoba gritted his teeth and knew that he could not help what he stayed with. At present, the only thing that could worry Ye Hong was this matter, and he took everyone to the ground.

"I'm staying to help you find it, and find it faster."

Leng Feng said without hesitation.

Ge Dan didn't say anything, just yawned, "That little fat man still owes me a painting."

Jackson and Istia looked at each other and shouted in unison: "We will stay too."

"Mr. Ye is now our boss, and there is no reason for his subordinates to abandon their boss and run away."

"Besides, the alienation of the earth element of Istiah may be useful in this environment."

As for Yeqi, it is even more impossible to leave Yehong and leave.

Watching the people express their opinions one by one, Ye Hong felt a warm current in his heart.

He nodded and explained seriously: "Since this is the case, it's not too late. Let's look for chubby separately.

Once you find it, you will be here immediately and leave together! "

So the people scattered apart, entered different roads, looking for Zhou Hao's trail.

As for Zhou Xiaoba, Qiao Yi, Chen Laosan, Fang Jiujiu, and Jiang Yuyun left together.

Fortunately, the official of the Blue Swan Lake Scenic Area is not stupid. I know that this narrow mouth may cause problems during emergency dredging, so I have already prepared other emergency passages.

At this time, the emergency route has been opened in the scenic spot, so the people in the mine can evacuate faster.

When Zhou Xiaoba rushed to the emergency passage, the people underground had almost been evacuated.

But when they were about to step out of the passage, Jiang Yuyun suddenly frowned and stopped.

"This feeling is..."

Jiang Yuyun suddenly changed his face, and said to several people: "I will go back!"


Before everyone could react, Jiang Yuyun had already returned to the underground mine.

"What about this? We can't explain to the night consultant later!"

Fang Jiujiu almost burst into tears when he saw this scene.

Although she did not know the specific relationship between Ye Hong and Jiang Yuyun, she knew that Ye Hong made a special trip to Jiang Yuyun's sister to come to the United States, so Jiang Yuyun's status in Ye Hong's heart was definitely not low.

If something happened to Jiang Yuyun, they could not explain to Ye Hong!

"I will chase her."

Without saying a word or two, Joe immediately followed.

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