Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2074: Reapply

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Although Yehong had broken a spider, Dongfanglu never felt anxious.

"I want to see if you can beat a few."

As soon as the manipulator sounded, the mechanical spider continued tirelessly to attack next to Yehong.

But this time they did not launch a long knife offensive, but turned their bodies over to reveal the spinner of the abdomen.

Randomly spun purple and black spider silk from these spinners.

Ye Hong suddenly remembered that he had seen the information of the mechanical spider ζ, which marked that these guys were good at poison silk attack!

In other words, these spider silks are poisonous!

Ye Hong immediately shouted at the members of the Black Arms behind him: "Come back!"

Then he flashed open several spider silks flying in front of him.

I saw that the spider silk fell on the ground, even melting the solid stone floor out of the round hole.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Black Arms all had scalp numbness, no longer urged by Ye Hong, and quickly withdrew and continued to shrink into the passage.

Vina looked at the battlefield and became no longer relaxed, but full of worries.

In the stone cave, Ye Hong continued to dodge these poisonous silk attacks.

However, the poisonous silk seemed to be endless, erupting continuously from the body of the mechanical spider.

The sky of spider silk interweaves an increasingly dense poison web in the stone cave.

Because of this, the space that Yehong can use to move and dodge is increasingly limited.

Several times, almost poisonous silk touched the body.

However, Ye Hong also used his speed advantage to break several mechanical spiders one after another.

But compared to the huge amount remaining, these are just a lot of money.

Ye Hong frowned slightly, knowing in his heart that this passive situation could not be maintained.

Dongfang Luyong is right. Although Yehong has the ability to break these spiders, he needs to pay a lot of breath in his body as a price.

Ye Hong firmly believes that Oriental Records has been lurking for so long.

If a lot of energy is wasted on these mechanical spiders, it may be what Dongfang Luyong wants to see.

It seems that we can only use more clever methods to clean up these guys.

A move in Ye Hong's mind reminded him of his scene of conquering Night Sharks.

He recalled the mechanical spiders that had just been smashed and locked the position of the chip inside them.

Immediately, he picked a mechanical spider, and while it was spinning, it went around its back.

"Bang Bang--"

When Yehong circled behind it, several poisonous silks sprayed from afar, but they were all blocked by the spider's body.

However, the mechanical technology of the Nightmare Factory was developed and intelligent. These poisonous filaments enough to melt the earth could not break the bodies of these mechanical spiders, avoiding the situation of Oolong.

However, Ye Hong did not intend to use this method to clean up these guys.

Following his memory, he slapped his hand at a position on the back of the spider.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level mechanical transformation ability, trigger the master-level effect [Ghost Axe Artifact]."

The spider in front of him instantly became a toy in Yehong's hands.

Quickly dismantle and accurately transform the chip core!

It didn't take long for the mechanical spider to suddenly point the spinning machine in the direction of Dongfang Luyong, and sprayed a poisonous thread.

Upon seeing this, the members of the Black Arms in the passage were all stunned.

Dongfang Luyong was taken aback, and hurriedly controlled other spiders to stand in front of him.

"It really is you!"

Dongfanglu said in a deep voice: "The mechanical shark δ in the East China Sea has really been moved by you!"

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