Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2075: Girl with wings

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"Ding! Successful mechanical transformation, +1 mechanical transformation ability!"

That's right, Ye Hong used the same transformation methods as they used to deal with the night shark, and directly turned the spider in front of him into a creature he controlled.

He continued to walk around behind other spiders, and reformed as usual.

On the other side, the mind is thinking about Dongfanglu Yongfangcai's sentence.

Ye Hong had never understood who the mechanical sharks dropped into the East China Sea.

Who is against the red pupil seahorse, ready to subvert the sea market.

Now it seems that the real fierce behind it is the East Recording Yong!

"I was going to use those mechanical sharks to help Chi Tonghai get to the top. I didn't expect the mechanical sharks to betray him at a critical moment.

It turned out to be the ghost you did! "

Dongfang Luyong's voice revealed anger and suffocation: "In this way, the new leader of Haishi is you?

whispering sound! What medicine did Poseidon take wrongly, and even passed the position to you casually? "

Ye Hong suddenly moved.

Dongfang Luyong doesn't seem to know the relationship between An Zaitian and him.

But now that the news that he is leading the maritime market has been noticed by Dongfang Luyong, if it is passed back to the Nightmare Factory, it will definitely make this secret killer beware of the Nightmare Factory.

Ye Hong didn't have time to think about the benefits, and he kept transforming a mechanical spider.

In the end, except for the ones that were hit by Yehong, the rest became Yehong's new pets.

His expression was cold, and he suddenly issued orders to these mechanical spiders, pointing at the location of Dongfanglu Yong, and shouted in a deep voice: "Go!"

Immediately afterwards, the members of the Black Arms looked at the mechanical spiders who had besieged Yehong with a stunned face, suddenly turned their gun heads, and returned to the location where Dongfang Luyong was located.

This ridiculous scene completely stunned a group of them.

"How did he do that......"

Seeing this forever, Dongfanglu didn't mean to retreat.

He still stood there, indifferently tossing the manipulator in his hands like garbage.

Then he clapped his hands to the channel behind him.

A touch of red awn suddenly bloomed behind him, and then a dark red figure quickly flashed out of the passage, standing in front of Dongfanglu forever and protecting him behind him.

I saw that this is a young girl with a face of Yan Guo who is a little younger than Yehong.

From her delicate facial features, it can be seen that the girl itself is not bad.

But somehow, the complexion on this face was strangely pale at this time.

Under the lips of the cherry, the girl kept her mouth full of silver teeth.

Among them are two strangely inhuman fangs that exude **** taste.

Behind the white shoulder-length hair, a pair of dark red bat wings grew out of the shoulder back.

As the wings flapped, the girl actually left her feet off the ground and flew in the air.

The whole person is like a legendary vampire!

This is the first time Ye Hong saw someone who could fly, but his consternation was not as good as one percent when he saw a girl's face!

Because of the girl's appearance, after throwing away the pair of strange tusks and steamed buns, He Ran and Jiang Yutao, who Jiang Yeyun had shown to Ye Hong, were exactly the same!

"Jiang Taotao?!"

The exclamation of Vina from the passage behind him also proved Ye Hong's mind.

Yehong's face changed, and he quickly let the mechanical spider stop the attack.

"Hehehe, why stop, continue!"

Dongfang Luyong made a ridicule that was very owing to Bian.

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