Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2077: All retreated behind the old lady!

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However, Jiang Taotao didn't seem to know that Yehong could resist the blood poison, and still bit him on the shoulder of Yehong, pouring the blood poison in his fangs.

"It's almost done!

Don't think you are Yuyun's sister, I will not treat you! "

Ye Hong reprimanded angrily, holding Jiang Taotao's mouth with one hand, and with a little force, she pulled her mouth away from her shoulder.

Jiang Taotao couldn't help struggling, but couldn't get away from Ye Hong's powerful force.

And because Ye Hong's mouth was squeezed tightly with his hand, he couldn't release that unpredictable sonic attack and fierce fangs bite.

It looks like a snake that has been pinched seven inches.

But at this moment, Jiang Taotao's hands were suddenly raised.

Even with the bat wings attached to it, it suddenly turned forward.

A gust of wind was generated instantly.

Ye Hong frowned, let go of Jiang Taotao's mouth, and the figure flashed away from the spot.

At the next moment, a gust of wind blowing from the bat wings blew overnight where Hirohara was, and scratched the ground with pits.

So Jiang Taotao, who was free, returned to the air again, repeating Fang's attack.

Fortunately, Ye Hong was already familiar with her offensive rhythm and methodically circled with Jiang Taotao in the stone cave.

While circling, thinking about how to solve the problem in front of me.

It must be impossible to kill, since it can only find ways to control Jiang Taotao.

But looking at Jiang Taotao's shadowless figure, Yehong had a headache.

"Humph! In this unique underground environment, Jiang Taotao is invincible!

Yehong, you can slowly enjoy this pain! "

Dongfang Luyong laughed sarcastically and clapped his hands again behind him.

Then a series of figures appeared.

The appearance of these people is roughly human form, but part of their torso maintains the form of beast.

Eyes are hollow, like walking dead.

A glance at Yehong Yuguang immediately recognized the identity of these "people". Heran, like those seen in the Double Star Building, was alienated genetically modified person!

A large number of genetically modified people poured out from the passage behind Dongfang Luyong, such as ants coming out of the nest.

Just a slight glance, there are no fewer than thirty figures.

And this number is still increasing!

How much is prepared for this Oriental Recording!

"Go, give our Mafia kids a little bit of a look."

Dongfang Luyong pointed his finger at the channel where the members of the Black Arms were located, and saw that the alienated genetically modified people rushed towards it.

"Bang Bang--"

Dense gunfire sounded in the Mafia array.

However, even if the alienated genetically modified people were knocked to the ground by bullets, it didn't take long to get up.

This immortal state of terror has made members of the Black Arms instantly desperate.

"Why did you retreat behind the old lady!"

Weina took a short red knife and stood immediately in front of everyone.


The short knife crossed the vital parts of the genetically modified person, instantly letting the genetically modified person fall to the ground forever, and no longer stand up.

The power of this specially-made red short knife has been seen by Ye Hong in the Double Star Building.

Any genetically modified person killed by a short knife can't be resurrected at all.

Weina stood at the entrance of the channel like this, guarding her deadly, and not letting any genetically modified people pass through.

There is a great man who is immortal!

But after all, she had only one person, but she faced a genetically modified person who came like a flood, and soon she could not support it.

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