Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2078: Vampire Bat

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After all, the most prominent feature of chameleon alienation is camouflage ability, not combat ability.

Vina's teeth were clenched and her short knife was thrown out again and again, but she became more and more tired.

Even several times he was almost attacked by genetically modified people.

The younger Black Armed brothers in the back were full of anxiety, but they could only do so in a hurry.

At this moment, several figures ran out of the southwest passage.

They are Leng Feng, Ye Qi, and the couple Jackson and Istia.

It turned out that the four were looking for Zhou Hao to no avail. Hearing that there was a change in this direction, they hurried over to investigate the situation.

When they saw the chaotic situation on the field, they were suddenly stunned, and some did not know which battlefield to join.

"Go help Vina first!"

At a critical moment, while evading Jiang Taotao's yet another attack, Ye Hong commanded the four of them immediately.

So the four no longer hesitated and hurried to the channel where Vina was, helping to resist the attack of genetically modified people.

Leng Feng uses both fists and feet to bring the Yewu Zhendian taught by Yehong to the extreme.

Although there is no way to kill genetically modified people, it effectively blocks their offensive.

Ye Qi also changed his Husky posture, and because he was alienated, the attack was effective against these alienated genetically modified people!

But the best effect is the Jackson and Isia duo.

The two went side by side, fighting together.

Each attack can kill those genetically modified people in large quantities.

Even so, the channel behind Dongfang Luyong still has an army of genetically modified people.

It seems that a whole army of genetically modified people lived there!

Since then, the four new people have also been somewhat tired to resist.

Ye Hong has a panoramic view of the situation on the field, knowing that this situation cannot be maintained.

So Jiang Taotao must be resolved as soon as possible to help them a few!

Taking advantage of the openness again, Yehong stared at Jiang Taotao in the air.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: quasi-beast genetic modification.

The target is good at the ability: genetic modification of alienated bats.

Combat moves: Blood poison bite, alienated sound wave, alienated gust.

Target weakness: Fear of strong light, snakes. "

Sure enough, Jiang Taotao is the alienated genetic modification.

The blood-sucking bat is a rare alien that only exists in the United States.

In recent years, it has been rare to see the existence of this kind of beast, and it is almost regarded as an extinct animal by the zoology community.

However, the data in front of us proves that this kind of beast still has traces in this world, and it is probably in the hands of the Nightmare Factory.

Coincidentally, the blood-sucking bat is one of the animals and plants that carried a few blood poisons before!

And Jiang Taotao was transformed into this monster!

The thought of the Nightmare Factory was so inhumane genetic modification of a high school girl, Ye Hong's anger was even more heated.

He forced himself to calm down and carefully analyzed the intelligence.

When he saw the target weakness in the feedback, he frowned.

Fear of snakes?

But how could there be a snake in such a place.

Fear of glare?

Coincidentally, this underground mine should be the weakest place in the entire T state.

No wonder Dongfanglu just said that Jiang Taotao is invincible here.


Ye Hong still thought of a way to deal with Jiang Taotao between this electro-optical flint!

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