Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2087: A desperate knife, everything desperate

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So in countless exclamations, Ye Hong's left shoulder was sturdily beaten by Dongfang Luyong.


The light knife enters the meat, making a scorching sound.

It seems that even Dongfang Luyong never thought that he could succeed so smoothly, and the whole person was stunned.

"It's now!"

There was a roar in Ye Hong's heart, and he transported his right palm to take a hard shot towards the back of Dongfang Lu Yong!

Dongfang Luyong's whole body is up and down, only this part is not covered with metal armor.

Ye Hong discovered this before, and chose to use a bitter plan to distract Dongfang Lu forever.

Taking advantage of this precious distraction gap, he directly transported his whole body strength and struck towards the position of Dongfang Luyong's head!

However, when Ye Hong thought he was about to slap this difficult enemy, he found that the pair of eyes behind the mask not only did not panic, but also had a strong mocking.

Yehong Lima noticed something was wrong and suddenly found that the speed of the palm he was waving was getting slower and slower, as if restrained by a certain position.

He actually saw the location of the back of the head by Dongfang Luyong, releasing a chill.

It was precisely because of the cold that Ye Hong's palm was frozen in the air, and his speed was reduced by several grades.

Naturally, it was too late to hit Dongfang Luyong on the back of the head, and he easily escaped.

The two parties that had been entangled were separated again.

"Ding! Trigger mastery recovery ability, trigger master-level medical skills, restore shoulder injury..."

Ye Hong accelerated his recovery of the knife wound on his shoulder while frowning at Dongfang Luyong.

I saw Dongfang Luyong's metal body inside, but he couldn't help shooting out the cold air outside.

A blue and white curved tail protrudes from behind Dongfang Luyong.

Judging from Ye Hong's knowledge, this tail should come from a cat.

Such as tiger leopard and the like.

And animal signs are born on a human body, Ye Hong can only think of one reason.

"Alienated genetic modification?!"

Dongfang Luyong laughed with pride again: "Of course, do you think I'll forget the old business that our organization is best at?

Not only did I transform my body into a mechanical body, I also transplanted the bloodline genes of the legendary Antarctic creature [ice leopard] that had been extinct in ancient times! "

Ice Leopard...

Related knowledge quickly flashed through Ye Hong's mind.

Ice leopard is a strange animal that has only appeared in legend.

According to legend, this animal can only live in extremely cold environments and has the ability to control ice and snow.

Ye Hong once thought it was a virtual animal fabricated by future generations.

But the unusual shape of Fang Cai made Ye Hong deeply believe in this legend.

If it wasn't for the special ability of Ice Leopard, how could the ice and snow be born out of thin air just now, preventing Ye Hong's attack?

This person of Dongfang Luyong actually has the three capabilities of ancient weapons, alienation genes, and mechanical transformation at the same time!

"Is it desperate? Ha ha ha ha."

Dongfang Luyong made a proud laugh, again approaching Yehong with a light knife.

"Despair is right."

His voice became colder and colder, as if instantly filled with endless resentment and murderousness: "Humans are the creatures that make despair.

So only by using despair can we defeat despair!

In order to break through the shackles and create a whole new world! "

"【Absolute Sword Flow·Absolute Sword】!"

Inside the stone cave, it was suddenly shrouded in endless black and golden light.

In the light, there was a painful mumble!

The people in the passage couldn't help closing their desperate eyes.

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