Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2088: There can only be one voice in the future

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When the light dissipated, everyone opened their eyes and saw Yehong who was penetrated by a light knife!

The position where the light knife passes is Ye Hong's shoulder position.

Fortunately, there is no point of piercing.

Unfortunately, his position has just been hit by a knife just for the sake of his bitterness.

The two phases are superimposed, and Ye Hong's left shoulder is suddenly bloody.

And the heat radiated from the light knife is constantly transpiring these blood into the sky full of blood.

Yehong, who had lost a lot of blood, couldn't heal the wound even if his recovery ability was operating at full speed.

A face appeared extremely pale, as if falling down at any time.

"In fact, what I do best is knife."

Dongfanglu holds the light knife, and the eyes behind the mask are cold and killing, as if there is no trace of emotion, but it seems that there are countless memories flashing in it in an instant.

"Ye Hong, I must admit that you are excellent.

Of all your peers, you are the best person I have ever seen.

If no one stops you, the future of the world will be rewritten by you.

It's a pity that you met me and met someone who wanted to change...no...reshape the world.

There can only be one voice for the future **** of the world.

I know that you will not advance with us, so I cannot let you survive, even if you are..."

Dongfanglu shook his head and did not continue.

The light knife left Ye Hong's shoulders, raised high, and aimed at his throat.

Just swipe down, you can let Ye Hong head to the ground.


Vina in the aisle uttered a heartbreaking cry.

She propped herself up and wanted to run to where Yehong was.

But he was immediately stopped by his men.

"Godmother, don't go, that person is terrible!"

"Isn't Yan Guo an old saying, leaving Qingshan without worry or firewood?

Godmother, let's retreat quickly! "

Vina's complexion was sullen and shouted at the person in front of her: "Get away from me!"

She looked at Yehong with tears in her eyes, and said sadly: "It's all because of me... all because of me...

If this sin is hard to redeem, let me go to heaven with him!

Maybe I can say a few more sorry to him there..."

But no matter how Vina struggled, they were all stopped by his men.

Jackson and Isia leaning against the passage were tired and sighed bitterly.

Only then they were repeatedly injured by Alec. At this moment, even if they wanted to support Yehong, they were helpless.

Now don't say that the support is not supported. If Ye Hong was killed by Dongfang Luyong, the two of them would not be able to survive today.

"Sister, I want to help him..."

Jiang Taotao wanted to stand up, but fell back to the ground again.

Jiang Yuyun hugged her sister, tears could not stop.

Only Lengfeng and Yeqi, who had recovered some strength at this time, stood up and walked into the stone cave without looking back.

The two knew that there might be no return, but they did not regret it.

"Master, even if I can't avenge you, I will try my best to bite him a piece of meat!"

Night Seven alienated the Husky body, and his limbs fell silently.

Full of murderous eyes, he locked Dongfang Luyong.

At this moment, a trace of a wolf appeared on him.

"Alas, Xiaoyun, it seems that you will never see you again in this life."

A bit of bitterness appeared on Leng Feng's face, but Ye Hong's eyes were full of firmness: "He gave me a new life, and I will return this life to him now!"

Ge Dan, who was fighting with Alecdor, also saw sharp killing intentions in his eyes, and shouted at Alecdor: "Get away!"

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