Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2089: Cangmo Atlas!

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But just as Ge Dan was about to go to rescue Yehong, Alexto was once again entangled.

"Hey, in front of my flying eagle detective, don't you want to save the kid."

Alec Duoyin smiled.


Ge Dan shook his head as usual, and took Huizhou Yinhao in front of him indifferently: "It wasn't easy to remember you as a bear demon, and I want to spare you a life. Now it seems to send you to the West Heaven."

Although Ge Dan can't understand the Glan language, but Alecdor can understand Yan Mandarin.

Even so, at this moment, Alecdor could not understand the meaning of Ge Dan's mysterious words.

"What is the bear demon?

Xitian? The sky to the west? "

When Alecdor was confused, he suddenly discovered that Ge Dan's body changed.

If the original Ge Dan was an elegant and modest old scholar, he would now become an unsmiling Dan Qing painter!

The Huizhou Yinhao danced wildly in the air.

A ray of silver light interweaves into a peculiar landscape painting in the air.

Silver mountains and old trees, silver rivers and streams.

There is also a silver old man crossing the river.

A closer look at the old man's hand is not a paddle, but a silver brush.

As if this landscape was drawn by the old man.

Picture in picture, people in people.

A mysterious realm is constantly revealed from this silver painting.

"What the hell."

Alecdor sneered and swooped his wings down again.

"Whatever you are, come down in front of my absolute power!"

"[Combination Alienation·Eagle Holder]!"

Suddenly, his wings closed, wrapping Alecor's body into a ball.

Alecor descended from the sky like an amazing meteorite.

Because the speed and power have reached the realm of terror, the whole ball is burning fast.

Wherever he passed, a burning flame trail flew out, and the heat rose sharply.

"It's a teacher... Alec's housekeeping skills, the unique combination of alienation ability of high-level alienators."

In the distance, Jackson murmured in despair: "I heard that he used this trick to directly smash a whole building.

Old Ge... Dangerous! "

However, in the face of Alec's violent move, Ge Dan's face was without waves.

The silver wave in his hand is getting faster and faster, and his mouth is thinking something with a peculiar rhythm.

"Heaven and Earth Danqing, Qiankun painting...

Cang Mo Pen Road Intangible Tao Yi Form... [Cang Mo Pen Road·Cang Mo Catalogue]! "

As Ge Dan drank loudly, the silver landscape painting in front of him seemed to come to life in an instant, and he wrapped towards the ball in the air.

Alecdo in flight only felt hit by a soft thing.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself already in the silver landscape painting.

The old man on the boat was pointing at him with a silver brush.

Somehow, Alector felt that the old man was Ge Dan.

At this time, Ge Dan outside the painting also picked up Huizhou Yinhao, and his actions were exactly the same as the old man in the painting.

"One stroke painting!"

Ge Dan said in a deep voice, and Huizhou Yinhao crossed a silver line from left to right.

At the same time, the old man in the painting followed a stroke.

But the silver thread in the painting appeared strangely on Alekto.


Alecdor howled, and the wings on his back were suddenly cut off!

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