Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2106: Oudru

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Ye Hong couldn't help shaking his head.

What sighed was that the drunken man's fate was so bad.

Since he came here, the things in the store have not been intact for a day.

Now as Ye Hong fought back mercilessly, he even smashed the walls of the drunkards into big holes.

Presumably after Jiang Jiang came back, there must be another "dragon roaring".

Ye Hong lamented on the stairs, but there were already mourning under the stairs.

Throughout the hall, no one can stand normally while lying and wailing in a crooked manner.

These people were all thrown down by Ye Hong from the stairs.

Of course, there were also unfortunately being hit by people flying over.

Only Ye Hong was responsible for all this.

But no matter what, this is just a matter of a few blinks.

There are even many people outside the store who don't know the truth, and continue to rush into the store with slogans.

But when they saw the misery in the hall, they suddenly turned around and ran away.

Waited for a long time before another group of people entered the store.

This is a group of bright and bright suit bodyguards, the team is surrounded by a short, but awe-inspiring serious old man.

Although the old man is not tall, his temperament and style are above those of the bodyguards around him.

A lighted cigar was held in his hand at will, matching the emerald on his thumb.

Ye Hong just glanced at the old man, and he no longer cared.

The little chatter fell down, and the person pointing behind could not help but reveal his head.

It's just that he obviously seriously underestimated Ye Hong's combat power, and he was staring at the person lying there at the moment.

He waved his hand, letting the bodyguard beside him back, a serious smile squeezed out on the serious round face.

"Presumably this is Mr. Ye from Yan Guo?

Please allow yourself to introduce yourself first. "

He handed the cigar that he hadn't finished smoking to the bodyguard next to him, and raised his head with a smile: "Below is Omanu Sanchez of [Manla Communications Group].

Regardless of whether you have heard the name before, how about making friends from now on? "

With that, he smiled and extended his hand to Yehong.

It is worth mentioning that Odru is talking about Yan Guo, a slightly lame language.

In order to enter the Yan Guo market and deal with Yan Guo people, many crooked nuts are now learning Yan Guo Mandarin.

Even the most busy people will learn some daily communication.

Fans of Yan Guo's culture, like Lorne, spoke Yan Guo Mandarin very fluently.

Even if Ye Hong came to the United States for the first time, he had heard the name of Manla Communications Group before.

This is not only the largest communications giant in the United States, but its business is spread all over the world.

And their CEO, Andrew Sanchez, is the undisputed richest man in J State, and he is also the top richest man who can be ranked in the top ten of the rich list of the United States.

But regardless of the identity of this person, Ye Hong believed that he did not plan to talk to Yan Yue so arrogantly before he saw his strength.

So facing the hand that Odru actively extended, Ye Hong didn't even look at it, closed his eyes, and stood like a static statue on the stairs

The atmosphere was awkward.

Why has Oudru suffered such a cold reception in the business world?

He withdrew his hand in sorrow, his eyelids couldn't help but smoked, and a flash of anger flashed through it.

And the strong bodyguards behind him are also about to move.

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