Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2107: Yagi Hiroshi

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Ye Hong just glanced at the group of bodyguards, so he was too lazy to pay attention.

As the small group of people on the top of the pyramid of the United States, the quality of the bodyguards of Audru is not bad.

But it also depends on who you compare with.

Compared with ordinary people, these bodyguards can be called masters.

However, if compared with Yehong, Yehong wouldn't mind letting them understand what is "extraordinary".

Odrew's eyes flickered, and finally he waved his hands to stop the bodyguards' rash behavior.

He seemed to see that Ye Hong was very different from the ordinary Yan Guo people. He no longer pretended to smirk, but said straightforwardly: "I want to buy the blue swan diamond in your hand, and make a price."

Sure enough, still came for the blue swan diamond.

To be honest, in the eyes of Ye Hong, the Blue Swan Diamond is just a beautiful stone.

Apart from being able to exchange money, there seems to be no other practical use.

Ye Hong didn't have much money.

So if he can exchange the blue swan diamond for something practical, he will be more happy.

Thinking of this, Ye Hong opened his eyes and said to Odru: "I want your group's communications base on Tansar Island."

This communication base in Yehongkou is the most important communication center under the name of Manla Group.

This center is located on the west side of the United States, on the island of Tensa between the balance of the sea and the Yan Kingdom.

Relying on the huge signal radiation range of this center, Manla Group can build a communications empire in the United States.

If you can get this base, Yehong will be able to more clearly grasp the information of the various countries of the United States, so as to get help for tracking the nightmare factory.

"you are dreaming!"

No matter how good his temper is, Oudru can't stand Ye Hong's big opening.

To know that Tensar Island is the lifeblood of their Manla Group!

"Bash me hard!"

Oudru couldn't help it any longer, screaming at the bodyguards and giving orders.

But just as those bodyguards were about to rush up, a sturdy sipping drink came from outside the store: "I think any of you dare to touch him!"

Odru and others looked back in surprise and found dozens of strong men with W logos on their arms swarmed into the hall.

The first person is a blonde beauty.

Although both hands were fixed with gypsum, this embarrassed posture did not affect her charm and domineering from the inside out.

In just a moment, Odru confirmed the identity of these people in front of him.

The members of the Black Arms, and the leader they have just returned to, the godmother Vina Constantana.

I heard that this godmother was very powerful, and at once he overthrew the powerful rule of Semens.

So Odru narrowed his eyes and asked cautiously, "Ms. Vina, are you also fighting for the Blue Swan Diamond?"

"Scramble?" Vina smiled contemptuously. "The blue swan diamond was found by others with great pains. Why should we fight for it?"

Ye Hong on the stairs twitched his mouth unconsciously.

This Vina's ability to lie is getting stronger and stronger.

What hard work... Yehong almost believed it.

"So you brought someone...?"

Odrew frowned deeply, unable to understand Vina's position for a moment.

"You dumb old man don't understand?

Of course I came to protect my house, Ye Hong! "

Vina said with a grin, she trot all the way, ran up the stairs, and snuggled her body towards Yehong.

If it was not because the injury to both hands was not good, it is estimated that the whole person was embraced.

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