Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2111: bid farewell

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I have already made an appointment with Wei Qianling in China, and the place to go back is still the L City Airport when I came.

It was of course Zhou Xiaoba who sent them to the airport.

But this time, even Qiao Yi and Fang Jiujiu appeared in the car together.

Fang Jiujiu was also sad, but not as exaggerated as Jiang Yi and Tuska.

After all, the people in their Yan group will return to domestic life sooner or later.

Qiao Yi is still the general iceberg.

But her attitude is much better than before.

At least Zhou Hao sat opposite her and stared at her with a drawing board, Qiao Yi did not kick Zhou Hao off the car.

However, Fang Jiujiu thought of Zhou Hao's life and pulled him away.

Speaking of Zhou Hao, this kid seems to intend to go back to study hard and strive to enter the university in advance like Ye Hong.

But his goal seems to be the Sakura National University of Fine Arts in the capital of Sakura.

Ye Hong couldn't help but ask the reason why he was curious. Zhou Hao's reply was that there were so many beautiful women there, and Ye Hong regretted his cheap mouth.

However, if Zhou Hao really went to Sakura to develop in the future, it would be a good thing.

Today, he has obtained the position of a commendable angel anime external collaborative creation cartoonist, and has obtained long-term attention and investment in angel anime.

In the fertile soil of the comics country, as long as Zhou Hao does not become a demon, the future will be unlimited.


Watching Zhou Hao turning his head and looking for Jiang Taotao to accost, Ye Hong couldn't help but sigh.

It would be harder to kill this guy than to kill him.

Jiang Taotao's conditioning by Ye Hong has almost eliminated the sequelae brought about by genetic modification in the body.

Today, Jiang Taotao does not know whether it is a blessing due to misfortune, he can already control the alienation of vampire bats by virtue of the pair of alienation earrings.

However, although you can keep your consciousness clear, your abilities must be greatly reduced compared to before.

However, it was enough for Jiang Taotao.

After all, she did what she couldn't even do at night-flying.

When thinking of bringing a flying girl back to Yan Guo, Ye Hong suddenly had a headache.

I just hope that this chick can control herself, otherwise she should confiscate her alienated earrings.

But listening to the sisters, Jiang Taotao seems to intend to work in the same night as Jiang Yuyun.

In this case, the night shadow team can have a position for Jiang Taotao.

After that, she can cooperate with Si Xiaoxiao. The two will fly into the sky and escape from the water. It is fascinating to think about the picture.

But these are all things to consider after returning to China.

When the car drove to L City Airport, it meant that a farewell was coming.

"Night consultant, when I return to China to report my job next time, I must find you a few drinks!

Would you not reward me for this thin noodle? "

On the occasion of parting, Zhou Xiaoba asked a little nervously.

Since this series of events, he has grown a lot.

The attitude towards Ye Hong has gradually changed from the original casualness to the present respect.

"welcome any time."

Ye Hongshuang's reply made Zhou Xiaoba grin.

"Look at your point of interest!"

Fang Jiujiu gave a glance to Zhou Xiaoba and said to Yehong, "Yue Advisor, after you return to your country, you must make a few words for me in front of Director Wei!"

"Oh, there is a face saying me."

Zhou Xiaoba couldn't help rolling his eyes again and again.

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