Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2112: The catastrophe is coming, pay more attention

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Unlike these happy couples, Qiao Yi didn't say anything, but just stood still.

But before the three of them got on the bus and left, Ye Hong's ear suddenly heard a word.

"The catastrophe is coming, pay more attention."

Yehong's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Qiao Yi's figure for a long time.

He confirmed to the surroundings that only he could hear this voice.

The source of the sound is undoubtedly from Qiao Yi.

Obviously, this is another special ability revealed by Joe.

And this sentence is also worth pondering.

In the last forty years, the Great Tribulation refers to the battle for the four major kitchen utensils launched by the ten ancient tribes.

In that great disaster, the ancient clan, the Sijue, the ancient martial world, the ancient medical world, the ancient music world... all forces were dragged into the vortex.

The casualties were heavy and the corpses were everywhere.

It can be called the darkest period since the founding of the country.

And all the signs show that there seems to be a secret force intending to create a similar catastrophe again on the land of Yan Guo.

In the eyes of Ye Hong, this force may be an ancient tribe, a fifth family, or a nightmare factory.

In the last big robbery, the heirs of the Xuanyuan family lived their lives with their own power, and the world was peaceful.

As a member of the magma organization serving the Xuanyuan family, does Qiao Yi's sentence imply any deep meaning?

For a long time since then, Ye Hong was thinking about this sentence.

Until the arrival of night seven.

After Semens regained the position of leader, he also had the unspeakable relationship between Godmother Vina and Yehong. The upper arm of the Black Arms appointed Ye Qi as the leader of the Black Arms branches of several large states on the entire West Coast.

In this case, even if Ye Qi repeatedly stated that he would follow Ye Hong to return to his country, Ye Hong would not agree.

By keeping Yeqi in the United States of America, one more loyal eye and ear would come to report to Yehong at any time.

Secondly, this is also a better choice for the future development of Yeqi.

Yeqi naturally couldn't resist Yehong's will, but had no choice but to bring people to Yehong to see him off.

But he seems to have a lot of people.

The densely packed members of the Black Arms almost packed the majority of the airport’s main intersection.

Countless passers-by panicked to avoid it, but inwardly wondered which big man it was, and even let the Black Armed Party invigorate the teachers to come and see them off.

After instructing Yeqi for a while, Yehong led the crowd to the airport flank, a special passage exclusively belonging to Yan Guo.

However, before entering the flanking gate, the group was stopped by a female soldier of the Yanwu Army.

I saw this is a young woman with a heroic face.

At this time, she was seriously talking to everyone: "Sorry everyone, I will add a security check here temporarily.

Because of the people who have returned from the United States in the past, we often find equipment such as eavesdropping machinery secretly installed by the intelligence agencies of the United States.

So please cooperate with you. "

Everyone can understand this, and line up to let the female soldier conduct a personal inspection.

The female warrior was holding a long strip detection instrument in her left hand, and carefully inspected everyone's body in her right hand.

When it was Yehong's turn, Yehong didn't think too much, letting her examine while thinking about things.

Just when her hand touched Yehong's waist pocket, Yehong suddenly sounded an alarm in her head.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is being stolen, the stealing ability +1, the anti-theft ability +1, the current progress: 110, the current level: entry level."


Ye Hong's eyes went wrong immediately.

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