Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2120: Seven Stars

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Ye Hong didn't like to use torture ability very much, except for emergency.

The torture ability has a requirement, that is, the weaker the target consciousness is, the better the effect.

Under the pressure of the master's authority, the young men with strong eyebrows, who were far from Ye Hong's strength, collapsed instantly.

Among his eyes, he became more and more numb, seeming to become a puppet in Yehong's hands.

When Ye Hong asked some information casually, he suddenly felt something in his pocket and moved his heart. He **** Nongmei Youth and five other people and threw them in the dining room.

And he himself stood still, his eyes closed slightly.

"Ding! Trigger mastery navigation..."

Fang Cai's middle-aged cook, of course, Ye Hong deliberately let go.

The purpose is to carry out the next plan.

Before he left, Ye Hong had already left his breath in his body.

As the navigation ability triggered, a familiar red dot suddenly appeared in the brain.

This red dot is now heading south.

Ye Hong took out the silver-faced robber that he had previously robbed from the silver-faced thief... No silver mask was put on his face.

After inputting the facial data of Nongmei Youth, Ye Hong's face turned into the appearance of Nongmei Youth.

The six people on the ground looking at this scene seemed to have seen ghosts, and they screamed with a whine.

Ye Hong didn't take care of them, chopped off the clothes of Nongmei Youth, and put it on himself.

Immediately in six terrifying eyes, he lifted his feet and left the dining room, chasing in the direction of the middle-aged cook who had just left.

In less than three minutes, Ye Hong had already seen the panicked figure.

At this time, he was running wet in a mountain path, looking at him with horror from time to time.

Ye Hong's mouth was slightly hooked, deliberately revealing his figure.

And imitating the voice of Nongmei Youth, he shouted loudly at the middle-aged cook: "Tianshu, wait for me!"

In a torture by Fang Cai, Ye Hong successfully learned the names of these seven people.

Same as their formation, their personal names are named after the Big Dipper.

They are Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang.

The middle-aged cook is the oldest, named Huai Tianshu.

Nongmei Youth ranked second, named Huai Tianxuan.

By analogy, the other five people are also named like Huaibei and Beidouqixing.

However, in order to rush to catch up with Huai Tianshu, but also fear that Huai Tianxuan's mental support could not become an idiot, so Ye Hong did not continue to torture too much information.

But this is enough.

With the mastery of imitation, Huai Tianshu did not notice anything wrong.

He stopped his figure and rushed towards Yehong excitedly: "Tianxuan, why did you escape?"

How many other brothers? "

Ye Hong sighed deliberately: "Ah, they were beaten by the guy in order to cover me to escape.

Estimate... alas..."

"Damn Yehong! I'm absolutely incompatible with him!"

Huai Tianshu gritted his teeth and said to Ye Hong: "Tianxuan, hurry back to the door with me.

The master gave me a treasure before leaving.

With that magical treasure, you can definitely deal with Yehong this 獠! "

"What are you waiting for, hurry and go!"

Yehong pretended to be anxious.

At the same time, there was a cold smile in my heart.

Absolute knife door, huh, huh.

I finally know what power these guys are.

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