Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2121: Absolute knife

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He Huaitianshu crossed the mountain, but was back on the road.

Huai Tianshu stopped a taxi and ordered it to drive south to Zhanghe County.

After knowing that the destination of Huai Tianshu was Zhanghe County, Ye Hong moved his heart.

Zhanghe County and Anming County are both under the jurisdiction of Bailu City.

Both are also located in the south of Egret City, and happen to be in the next county.

The difference is that the east side of Zhanghe County just leans against the sea and is a famous seaside county in Jiangnan Province.

At the same time, Ye Hong's aunt Ye Juan also married Zhanghe County.

In these years, because of his uncle Yue Qingsen's relationship, Ye Hong has never been to the aunt's house.

However, last time Yue Qingsen was taught by Ye Hong in Longchi Village, and it will surely converge.

If you are free this time, you can come to visit.

Another person related to Zhanghe County is Yehong's roommate at Jiangda, Ding Zhao.

However, unlike Yehong, who is a busy man walking around the world, Ding Zhao should be a good student who loves to study in Jiang Dali. Presumably this time he will not be able to see him.

With deep thoughts, the car galloped south.

When entering the territory of Zhanghe County, the sky had begun to darken.

Zhanghe County at night seems to be more lively than Anming County.

In the night market stalls, there are still many vendors who are selling fresh food and are constantly shouting.

At this time, Huai Tianshu also took Ye Hong out of the car.

In the county, I don't know from which 旮旯, a motorcycle was pulled out, carrying Ye Hong and left Zhanghe County.

Under the night, Huai Tianshu barely spoke, but kept accelerating with impatience.

He drove a motorcycle to the southern suburbs of the county.

After driving for another ten minutes, the car came to a rugged mountain road.

At this time, Ye Hong realized why Huai Tianshu should switch to a motorcycle.

After all, this mountain road is even narrower and more rugged than that of Anjia Village. The four wheels are definitely not going up.

Fortunately, the mountain is not too high, and the car stopped on the open space at the top of the mountain shortly after driving.

Appearing in front of Yehong is an original building made entirely of stones.

Stone house, stone platform, stone bench, stone chair...

In front of the open space, a round stone arch is engraved with three simple and vigorous characters [Juidaomen].

It seems that finally arrived at the destination.

Following Huai Tianshu entering the door, Ye Hong found that there were not many houses here.

In addition to the seven stone houses that are inhabited at first glance, there is only one stone building like an ancestral hall.

"Can there be only seven of them in the whole Swordsman?"

Ye Hong suddenly moved.

Sweeping around, I didn't feel any other people's information.

"What are you looking at, just hurry and help!"

Huai Tianshu at this time had already ran to the gate of the ancestral hall and waved anxiously at Ye Hong.


Yehong Lima restored the style of Huai Tianxuan, a thick-browed youth, trotting to Huai Tianshu in two steps and two steps.

After entering the ancestral hall, Ye Hong found that the entire ancestral hall was empty, and only one table case enshrined a stone kitchen knife.

Huai Tianshu came to the table, knelt in front of the stone kitchen knife, folded his hands together, and silently recited as if repenting: "Master is in the spirit of the heavens, please forgive the disciple Tianshu, who must violate the teacher's training and enable the absolute knife access control device!

After taking out the forbidden device, Tu'er will definitely avenge the master! "

After getting up, Ye Honglian waved back to the slightly stunned behind him: "Tianxuan, come, help me remove the slate."

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