Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2129: The silver-faced thief, really has you

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Putting away his thoughts, Yehong stood up and faced Huai Tianshu.

He only used it for two purposes, and while copying the tactics, he listened to what Huai Tianshu said.

Regarding Huai Tianshu's words, Ye Hong believed.

Because there are some rumors, and the intelligence he collected is indeed correct.

In other words, before joining the Nightmare Factory, Huaiyonglu might have been a gentleman of the ancient world.

The reason why he will change his temperament and leave the country may also be to avenge the murdered chef.

And he searched all over the place, and finally found the power he wanted in the nightmare factory, enough to support his revenge.

However, one yard to one yard, none of this can cover up the sins he committed in the nightmare factory.

So Ye Hong told Huai Tianshu the evil deeds done by Huai Yonglu one by one.

Huai Tianshu's face was stunned first, followed by a pale.

"No, impossible...

Master, how could he do these things?

impossible......! "

Ye Hong shook his head and said indifferently: "You also said that I didn't need to deceive you at all."

He took the lead out of the ancestral hall and said lightly: "Come on, go back and meet your teachers and brothers, you still owe me a seafood dinner and haven't finished it yet."

After walking out of the ancestral hall, Ye Hong did not continue to leave, but stood on the spot and made a phone call.

He notified Wei Qianling.

Since these people are copying Wei Qianling today, Ye Hong is quite worried about whether this guy is in trouble.

But as soon as a phone call passed, the other side seemed to be eating instant noodles heartlessly.

After Ye Hong mentioned today's affairs to him, he almost didn't let Wei Qianling spray the instant noodles in his mouth.

"This group of rabbits dare to dare to copycats, lively and crooked?"

Facing the non-stop curse on the phone, Ye Hong just asked him to send some people to take away the body of the sea eagle member.

Although these two bodies are of no use to Yehong, the professionals of the Yan group may find other information ignored by Yehong.

Of course, Wei Qianling immediately agreed and contacted the people in the Jiangnan Provincial Branch and asked them to come over and clean up the stall.

After hanging up the phone, Huai Tianshu's figure slowly moved out of the ancestral hall.

Ye Hong's mouth was slightly ticked, and he continued to walk down the mountain.


Huai Tianshu behind him yelled at Honghong, and struggled for a long time. He still said in a deep voice: "The one who told us about the murder of the master, and the one who instructed us to pretend to be a member of the Yan group was a foreigner.

Seems like a golden-haired American..."

Ye Hong raised her eyebrows and turned to frown, asking, "What does he look like?"

Huai Tianshu hesitated and said: "I can't see the specific appearance because he is wearing a silver mask."

"Silver mask?"

Ye Hong's tone had a moment of heightening, and a thunder flashed in his heart.

He took the mask that the silver-faced thief took from his pocket and displayed it in front of Huai Tianshu. He said coldly, "Is this mask?"

"Yes, yes, this is the mask.

But why is it yours..."

Ye Hong didn't answer Huai Tianshu, but just shook his head, and a cold sneer mixed in the corner of his mouth.

"Silver-faced thief, you really have it."

He made an international long-distance call immediately and contacted Ye Qi who was far across the ocean.

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