Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2130: The nightmare continues

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As expected, Ye Hong let Ye Qi's silver-faced thieves "take good care of" and disappeared.

According to Ye Qi, this person disappeared mysteriously after entering the hospital.

If Ye Hong didn't understand the causes and consequences at this time, then there was no cure.

The man who had been taught by Ye Hong at L City Airport was a silver-faced thief there, and was clearly a member of the Nightmare Factory.

Knowing the news of Huaiyonglu's death, he came to the Yan Kingdom in advance and told the intelligence to the seven people at Judaomen.

And instruct them how to imitate the Yan group, and how to deceive and deal with Ye Hong.

And after doing these things, he returned to the United States with a big swing.

On the day that Yehong left from the United States, the female soldiers of the Yanwu Army were disguised as the first layer, and the second layer of the silver-faced robber disguised the hall and the emperor was approaching Yehong.

Despite the operation, Ye Hong did not suffer any practical damage, but gained a lot.

But invisible, Ye Hong felt that he was being played hard by that guy.

What made Ye Hong suffocating the most was that when the guy appeared in front of him at that time, he didn't take out his true face.

Presumably this guy is smug now.

"Silver-faced thieves, it's better not to let my lord catch you again!"

Yehong squeezed the silver mask on his hand, and the sudden burst of coldness made Huai Tianshu on the side as if he were in the ice and snow.

At the same time, the Taksi town in the United States.

Outside the cathedral firmly guarded by the FCI, a blond young man wearing a trench coat was walking towards him.

He seems to be smoking.

On the empty street, there were occasional gusts of wind, blowing away the mist around the man's collar, revealing a sharp young face.

After seeing the face of the young man, those FCI members bowed their heads in courtesy and watched him enter the church.

After this person entered the church, he walked into the underground base abandoned by the Nightmare Factory.

After coming to the place where the stele was excavated by Ye Hong, he stood in silence for a moment.

Then a cigarette **** that had not been smoked was thrown into the pit.

The smoke was curling up from the pit, and it seemed to be mourning something.

"Director Oriental, go all the way."

The young man's mouth twitched a deep smile and turned his eyes to the west: "The nightmare operation continues.

Yehong, we will meet again. "

Immediately, he took out a silver mask from the trench coat and put it on his face. He hummed Xiaoquer and walked out.

In the quiet underground base, the operation sounds of Taodao instruments sounded one after another.

A figure in a white coat is busy at the base...


When Huai Tianshu was brought back to Zuodao Pavilion, it was already midnight.

Seeing that the six younger brothers were as safe as Ye Hong said, Huai Tianshu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The six people who did not know the truth looked blankly at Huai Tianshu and Ye Hong returning side by side.

Watching Huai Tianshu untie the six of them one by one, Ye Hong couldn't help but ask, "What are your plans for the future?"

Would you like to come to my night food job? "

These seven people are out of the name of the four master chefs, but if they can arrange to eat after dinner, it would be a big deal.

But Ye Hong was just talking and playing. In fact, he had expected that they would never agree.

As expected, Huai Tianshu shook his head decisively: "I will close the dining hall and take them to find the truth.

I don't doubt you now, nor do I believe you.

We must rely on our own hands and feet to find all the truth about the master.

If it turns out that you have slandered him, we will definitely come back to get revenge.

If it proves that what you said is not false..."

Huai Tianshu gritted his teeth, but his eyes were quite firm: "Then we will personally go to the door to blame!"

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