Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2143: Hospital scene

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After arriving at the First Hospital of Zhanghe County, Ding Zhao immediately picked up her mobile phone and contacted her family.

However, several calls were made in succession, and no response seemed to be received.

"Strange, didn't my dad carry the phone with him?"

Ding Zhao scratched her hair annoyedly: "Damn, I forgot to ask first which ward my mother lives in..."

At this time, Yehong had also parked his car and was approaching the gate.

He was followed by a flattering hospital security guard.

The security guard just saw Yehong coming down from Yejue, and immediately followed him, greeted with warmth and a very enthusiastic look.

Presumably he has been working for so long, this is the first time he has seen a luxury car like Yejue.

He knew that Ye Hong's identity was not simple, and of course his service attitude was much higher.

After seeing Ding Zhao's expression, Ye Hong roughly asked and glanced at the security guard beside him.

The security guard was very sensible and quickly pointed to the direction of the lobby information desk: "I will take you there to ask."

At the information desk, only a young woman dressed as a nurse was on duty.

Seeing the security guard's eyes on her frequently, she stood up immediately and asked politely, "Do the two gentlemen have any needs?"

"Hello, I would like to ask where is Ms. Tian Guifang's ward?"

Ding Zhao asked anxiously.

Tian Guifang is the name of Ding Zhao’s mother.

"Please wait a moment, I'll check it for you here."

Before the nurse sat back on the computer again, her fingers were flying and she began to inquire about Ding Zhao's mother.

After some operations, the nurse's face was embarrassed.

"Sorry, Ms. Tian Guifang seems to be going through discharge procedures this morning..."

"How is it possible?" Before the nurse finished speaking, Ding Zhao interrupted her words in disbelief. "My dad clearly said that my mom's scald had not been cured, so why was she discharged?"

"Sorry, this is how the information I found here is displayed."

The nurse was wronged.

Just as Ding Zhao was about to pick up his phone and make a call to his father, there was a commotion in the hallway on the left side of the hall.

I saw a middle-aged man with a sloppy foot who was limping out of an office with an impatient old doctor.

The middle-aged man was dressed quite plainly and looked honest.

At this time, he was holding the old doctor's thigh and begged hard: "Director Yao, just do it. Let Gui Fang continue to live!"

I, I will definitely find a way to settle the money! "

The old doctor has been shaking his feet impatiently, trying to shake off this middle-aged man.

The dispute immediately attracted everyone's attention in the hall.

But Ding Zhao has already shouted with a split eyes: "Dad!"

Immediately rushed over, pulled away the middle-aged man, and stared at the old doctor.

Yehong Lima knew that this middle-aged man should be Ding Zhao's father.

He beckoned to the security guard beside him and asked lightly, "What is that old doctor?"

The security guard immediately replied: "Sir, his name is Yao Wenyuan, he is the director of the inpatient department of our hospital, a top expert..."

"Top experts? Ha ha."

Ye Hong sneered and walked up there.

The security guard saw that Ye Hong's face was not good-looking, but his face changed, and he quickly followed.

Ding Zhao's father saw Ding Zhao appearing, just like the drowner caught the life-saving straw, he quickly took Ding Zhao's hand and shouted excitedly at Yao Wenyuan: "Director Yao, my son is back!"

He is an excellent university student of Jiang University! "

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