Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2144: I'm out for them

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"Jiangda students?"

Yao Wenyuan glanced indifferently at Ding Zhao who was glaring at himself, Yin and Yang said strangely: "What time is it, and he is still a college student.

You now go out on the street and just grab a person, all are college students. "

He shook his head and sighed: "Mr. Ding, I have made it clear to you.

Your family can't afford the medical expenses now, and they don't have any financial resources. Our hospital can't continue to give Ms. Tian Guifang free treatment.

I hope you can understand. "

"How much is my mother's medical expenses?!"

Ding Zhao pinched his fists and stared at Yao Wenyuan.

"Well... hospitalization expenses, surgery expenses, medical expenses... The total amount of zero to zero is 100,000.

Considering that your mother's scald is more serious, there may be other expenses for the follow-up.

Can you afford it? "

Yao Wenyuan said blankly.

"Ten, ten thousand..."

Ding Zhao squeezed his pocket, his expression dimmed.

He had also borrowed some money before he came, but compared with this sky-high medical fee, it is undoubtedly a dime.

Yao Wenyuan raised a silent sneer in the corner of his mouth, patted the traces on his trouser legs that were wrinkled by Ding Zhao's father, and turned to leave.

And Ding Zhao and his son's expression also fell into despair.

However, at this moment, a figure was blocked in front of Yao Wenyuan like a high wall.

Yao Wenyuan looked at the extraordinary boy in front of him, and he didn't dare to be angry. He had to smile: "Is this gentleman looking for me?"

The coming person is naturally Ye Hong.

He pointed at Dingzhao and his son with a blank expression: "Arrange the best ward for Ms. Tian Guifang, immediately!"

Yao Wenyuan's face changed and he tangled: "But their medical expenses..."

"I got them out."

Ye Hong's words came out, not only Yao Wenyuan looked amazed, even Ding Zhao and his father looked at them.

"Xiao Zhao, is he...?" Ding Zhao's father asked confused.

"Dad, he was what I told you. The genius in our dormitory is old Wu Yeyun."

Ding Zhao explained this, and came to Yehong, thanking: "Five, I will find ways to return the money to you in the future.

But you might have to wait after graduation..."

Ye Hong waved his hand: "Don't talk about it now, Aunt's injury matters."

And Yao Wenyuan also recovered, his eyes rolled around: "But this gentleman, the medical expenses are more than 100,000..."

Halfway through the words, Ye Hong's eyes burst into ice cold eyes, saying one by one: "I let you arrange the best ward, have you heard it?!"

The moment of explosive momentum made Yao Wenyuan's legs tremble subconsciously, almost not all kneeling on the ground.

He looked at Yehong in horror, his lips trembling, but he was speechless.

At that time, the security guard hurried to Yao Wenyuan and said something in his ear.

Yao Wenyuan's expression gradually appeared excited, and then even faced diligently to Ye Hong Road: "I understand, I will arrange it!"

Looking at Yao Wen's back, Ye Hong frowned.

He didn't like this snobbish old man very much.

Especially in the position where the director of the inpatient department is a life-saving matter, Ye Hong does not want to see this kind of person.

He thought about it for a while, and if he wanted Yao Wenyuan to leave, it seemed that finding Mo Tianlin was the fastest way.

If Yao Wenyuan knew that Ye Hong had turned to the director of the provincial hospital in order to expel a director of the inpatient department of a county-level hospital, he did not know whether he was still laughing.

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