Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2145: Reason for dismissal

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The people in the hall saw that the director of the inpatient department in the hall was bowing down in front of a young boy, and they could not help but cast their eyes on the night with curiosity and awe.

The nurse at the information desk was very annoyed, regretting that she had not cherished the opportunity and said a few words to Ye Hong.

After Ding Zhao's father knew Ye Hong's identity, he was also grateful.

A middle-aged man, he was almost kneeling down to Ye Hong on the spot.

Yao Wenyuan's movements were quick, and it didn't take long for Ding Zhao's mother to move to the best ward in the inpatient department.

It is a luxurious ward for a single person, equipped with the best equipment in the hospital, and there are dedicated doctors and nurses to attend 24 hours.

In such a small county, it is undoubtedly the best hospitalization environment.

Ye Hong followed Ding Zhao's father and son to the ward and inspected Ding Zhao's mother's injury.

The main location of Ding Zhao’s mother being scalded by hot oil was the part of her right arm, and even the palm of her left hand was partly scalded.

This is even more uncomfortable for Ding Zhao's mother who made money from her craft than killing her.

But at this time, she looked at Ding Zhao's father and son with a confused face: "Xiao Zhao and his father... Am I going to be discharged?"

Why did you change such a good ward?

Was that surnamed Yao wrong? "

Ding Zhao and his son immediately explained the ins and outs and Ding Zhao's mother.

Ding Zhao’s mother knew that it was Ye Hong’s assistance, and she immediately burst into tears.

If it wasn’t easy to move, I must kneel down to Ye Hong on the spot.

Finally, he kept sighing on the hospital bed: "God takes care of our little photos and lets him meet your kind roommate!"

Ye Hong smiled right, didn't say much.

But I was thinking about finding a time to help cure Ding Zhao's mother's injury.

However, he has never had experience in treating scalds. In order to be safe, he must first make relevant preparations.

The hospitalization on the other side was resolved, but the Dingzhao family was still shrouded in misery.

From their intermittent sighs, Ye Hong could roughly understand their current plight.

Now that the family has no work, loses their financial resources, and scores to take care of Ding Zhao’s mother’s injury, income will become the biggest problem in the family.

Although Ye Hong relieved their family's urgent needs, they could not ask Ye Hong to subsidize them for a lifetime.

Ye Hong, who was listening silently on the side, suddenly asked: "Uncle Ding, you are doing well in the factory, or you are a senior veteran, why was you suddenly fired?"

"Ah, this is a long story."

Ding Zhao's father sighed: "The factory I was in used to produce agricultural equipment.

But just recently, our factory was acquired.

After being acquired, the factory business was reorganized.

From the original agricultural equipment to a robot that I don't understand at all...

You said that I have made agricultural equipment for most of my life, and now I suddenly have to learn what kind of robot to do, how can it be done?

Not only me, but many old workers in the factory were fired because of this.

I heard they hired more flexible young people to do it.


"But there is no compensation for such dismissal?"

Ye Hong couldn't help asking.

Regardless of whether you follow the law or the law, you should not sweep people out like this.

At least a certain amount of compensation is required, not to mention a senior veteran employee like Ding Zhao.


Ding Zhao's father scratched his head, wondering: "Is there any compensation?"

Ye Hong and Ding Zhao looked at each other, and Ding Zhao immediately filled with indignation: "I'm going to the factory to make a statement!"

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