Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2162: Let's talk about Kyoto

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Before Wei Qianling's words were finished, Murong sighed heavily at the dream and said helplessly: "Should it be the broken thing that my wonderful mother reinvented?"

"Hey, you know it."

Wei Qianling didn't know why, but she glared at Yehong for a while, making the second monk Yehong confusing.

What happened to the Murong family?

Murong didn't seem to be in a mood to explain the dream. After leaving the airport, he had to go home.

"Wait for me to visit Murong's house after I have dealt with the matter at hand."

Before leaving, Ye Hong listened to Murong's dream.

Murong didn't know what he thought of when he heard the dream. First, he froze for a few seconds, and then his face was blushing, and the weak mosquitoes murmured and fled.

Ye Hong had some inexplicable performance of Murong listening to dreams, turned to look at Wei Qianling around him, frowned and asked, "What's wrong with the Murong family?"

"Hey! Do you know if you go to see it in person?"

However, Wei Qianling refused to make it clear to Ye Hong, but just sold Guan Zi with a smirk.

The two laughed, and Wei Qianling took Ye Hong to the place where he first arrived in Kyoto, the Yongguo Pavilion.

This is the hotel called the second canteen of the temple.

The two ordered some wine and food while talking about the recent situation in Kyoto.

It was more than a month since Yehong came to Kyoto last time.

But over the past month, the situation in Kyoto has undergone many changes.

The biggest change is of course the relationship between the ancient race and the temple.

As the two strongest forces in ancient and modern times, the ancient tribe and the temple have always been out of opposition.

In the past many years, the ancient people, under the leadership of the Ximen family, have always occupied a greater right to speak.

However, under the agitation of Yehong Sanfan twice, the muddy water in Kyoto not only did not become muddy, but also gradually became clear.

First, the temple has now gradually controlled the power system of Kyoto.

The ancient warriors, ancient warriors, and even ancient warriors were undoubtedly the biggest reliance on the side of the ancient clan in Kyoto.

However, after the establishment of the Archaeological Union in the temple, Ye Hong was appointed as the chairman, and after the investigation of the origin of the ancient martial arts was initiated, the ancient martial arts men were in danger.

One of the things they are most afraid of is that the temple has found a way to completely ban the ancient martial arts.

Since then, they are no different from ordinary people.

I have to say that Ye Hongming didn't do anything yet, but indirectly punched the ancients.

The nickname of [Ancient Clan Nemesis] is really not a white call.

Under this invisible threat, many people on the ancient side have changed their psychology.

From the contempt of the temple in the past, more and more voices have expressed that they want to be close to the temple.

This disagreement is particularly evident in the Simon family.

As the elder brother of the ancient tribe, the situation of the Ximen family is not so good.

The Simon family, which has maintained its hegemonic status in the ten ancient times of Kyoto, when Ye Hong last came to Kyoto, the two families inside and outside began to make conflicts and split into two factions.

One is the anti-sacred faction, adhering to the strategy of supremacy of the ancient clan and fighting against the temple.

One is the pro-sect, as the name suggests, it is to choose to cooperate with the temple and develop together.

The old man of the Simon family, who was able to deter both internal and external races, is now in a coma for a long time, and I heard that he can leave at any time.

Without this Dinghaishen needle, the situation of the Ximen family is even more chaotic.

The ambitions in the family have made their heads and secretly attacked the status of the main family.

The heir status of the former family heir, Simon, seems to have been challenged by all parties recently.

The wind and rain are the current state of the Ximen family.

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