Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2163: Someone on Longjiao Peak

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The Simon family had no time to compete with the temple for power because of civil strife.

The Huangfu's family, originally obeyed by the Ximen family, still wisely maintained the strategy of pretending to die, and continued to recuperate.

On the contrary, the ten thousand-year-old second son Shangguan family, now I heard that there seems to be a lot of opposition to the temple.

However, in the civil strife of the Ximen family, the Yuwen family survived, the Huangfu family pretended to be dead, and after the Nangong family was countered by Ye Hong, only one Shangguan family seemed to be unable to lift the storm.

"Be careful.

The centipede dies and does not stiff. The Shangguan family may have something under the box. "

Ye Hong saw Wei Qianling's disdain when he mentioned Shangguan's house, worried that he would lose because of belittle the enemy, and specially reminded him.


Come and continue drinking! "

Wei Qianling waved his hand carelessly, making it clear that he didn't listen to Ye Hong's words.

Ye Hong shook his head in tears, but did not intend to continue to persuade.

He said everything he should say. He believes that Wei Qianling, as the director of the Second Division of the Yan Group, will have his own ideas.

Too much persuasion will hurt Wei Qianling's self-esteem.

The two had been drinking till night, and Wei Qianling just got up and said goodbye.

Tomorrow is the agreed date with the Dongfang family, when he will take Ye Hong to the Dongfang family.

After Wei Qianling left, Ye Hong also received a call from Qin Hao.

What the phone said was nothing more than to invite Ye Hong to eat or something.

In addition to Qin Hao, Shi Yishou, Shen Ximing, Du Bin... Many old people in Kyoto have called, and the content is about the same.

It seems that I don't know how many eyes are staring at Yehong in Kyoto.

Even if no one was notified before Ye Hong arrived, the news reached the ears of the major forces at the moment he stepped into Kyoto.

"It's too hard to be low-key."

Ye Hong shook his head and sighed, then got up and returned to his room.

He declined these invitations.

This time I came to Kyoto, the main purpose is the Oriental family.

During this period, Ye Hong was reluctant to have too much contact with other people.

After all, his current status and status are different from before, and his words and deeds will be seen in the eyes of interested people, even as a reference.

Therefore, it is a question worthy of consideration for Ye Hong who is close to and who must maintain an appropriate distance.

However, at present Yehong doesn't want to be too involved in the complicated disputes in Kyoto, so he simply stays neutral and no one is here.

The next day, Wei Qianling arrived as scheduled and took Ye Hong to the Oriental family.

In addition to the illusory Xuanyuan family, the ten largest ancient ethnic groups in Kyoto and the nine largest urban districts, the Oriental family is the only one of the ancient ethnic groups that does not set up a resident in the nine major urban districts of Kyoto.

All members of the Oriental family live on Longjiao Peak in the western suburbs of Kyoto.

Longjiao Peak is famous for its shape resembling dragon horn.

This peak, standing in the western suburbs of Kyoto, is undoubtedly the highest mountain on the Beijing suburbs.

When Wei Qianling's car drove to the foot of the mountain, Ye Hong saw a team of sturdy young men in vests, and the team was looping down the mountain.

You know, this is close to the winter season, it is in the cold north.

Just wear a vest, how much perseverance and endurance!

Even if a car appeared in the field of vision, their eyes did not wander halfway, and they were still intently exercising.

"They are all children of the Oriental family."

The two got their car well and walked up the mountain on foot.

As he walked Wei Qianling, he pointed to the youths and said, "Since the establishment of the Oriental Family, it has been stipulated that all children in the family must participate in various exercises regardless of their status.

The lazy people all swept out of the house without consultation. "

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