Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2176: Heart disease also requires heart medicine

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"This, this is the so-called fairy fight?"

The members of the Oriental family were dumbfounded and always felt like they were watching a movie with special effects.

The remaining contestant heart in Ximen Hongjie's heart had long since disappeared.

He muttered to himself: "Should I continue to stay in the Yanwu Army, at least there is no such thing as Yehong..."

Dongfang Longqi took another cigarette out of nowhere and took a breath while taking care of Dongfang Ningyun.

Then a loud voice spread into the ears of the family members at the top of the mountain: "All open eyes to Lao Tzu, look good, learn hard!

Missing one of these peak battles is no longer there, so be sure to observe! "

The family members were right in an instant and watched it seriously.

On the shooting range, the two sides have already passed dozens of moves.

Dongfang Muxue seems to turn into a tireless killing machine, one knife after another, one knife is stronger than the other.

Every move came straight to the point of Yehong!

If this continues, Ye Hong can only become more and more dangerous.

So while using the speed of the ice leopard and Dongmu Xuexue, Yehong was thinking about how to deal with this crazy woman...no...crazy old lady!

As the saying goes, women who fall out of love are the most terrible.

Now Ye Hong just wants to say one thing: The woman who doesn't want a man is so terrible!

Thoughts flew in my head, and suddenly a message flashed by.

Ye Hong remembered the weakness of Dongfang Xuexue shown above when he used the seeing ability just now.

Her weakness is simple.

[Heart disease].

Heart disease?

Yehong flashed Dongfang Muxue once again, his brow furrowed.

What's wrong with this woman?

He thought about it and found that there was only one person who could make her suffer from heart disease.

That is Huaiyonglu, who is dead!

The so-called heart disease also requires heart medicine, Ye Hong, a super-class ancient doctor, decided to try it!

After avoiding Dong Muxue's trick again, Ye Hong gritted his teeth, condensing all breath on his palm.

He did not choose fierce palm and boxing techniques, just put his hand on Dongfang Muxue's shoulder.

At the same time, it was the idea of ​​the heart that was previously understood in the United States.

The way of the heart is intangible and intangible, but it possesses a magical power directly reaching the hearts of the people.

It was with this trick that Ye Hong touched Huai Yonglu's heart and defeated him.

So he wanted to try whether this trick can also solve the so-called heart disease of Dongfang Muxue.

At this time, Dongfang Muxue had turned his blade and cut towards Yehong's arms.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Hong stayed where he was.

"He doesn't want his hand?!"

In the bursts of exclamation, Dong Ningyun's face was pale, and he could no longer suppress the true emotions in his heart. He screamed, "Don't!"

Then he stumbled for a while and ran to Yehong's location.

But halfway through, she stopped suddenly.

At the same time, a strange horror sounded on the field.

I saw the short knife stopped in the air, and Dongfang Muxue stared blankly at Yehong.

The two people who exhaled the breath of killing just now, stood at the same place face to face like a pair of friends they hadn't seen in years.

This weird scene made everyone present at the scene unable to coerce.

"this is.......?!"

The pupil of Dongfang Longqi shrank suddenly, and said with horror: "How could he have the ability to [heart absolutely]?"

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