Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2177: Heartless

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Dongfang Longqi is so quiet that only one person present noticed his gaffe.

Dongfang Ningyun turned his head and asked in doubt: "Grandpa, what is the ability of [Heartless]?"

Dongfang Longqi shook his head solemnly: "Remember that I told you that the so-called four must-have chefs are [material must], [wine must], [knife must] and [heart must].

Among them, the heart is the most mysterious.

Until now, very few people know the true identity of the heart.

I have also heard people say that the heart of the legend has the power to control the heart.

This power has made Xin the only person in the Four Great Chefs who didn’t hear about it seventeen years ago.

In fact, I'm not sure if this kid uses the legendary ability.

It can only be said that it is too similar..."

At this time, Ye Hong was silently feeling the feedback of the way the heart entered the body of Dongfang Muxue.

He could feel the bleakness, mourning, despair...and thoughts from the heart of Dongfang Xuexue when his heart and mind touched the real state of mind of Dongfang Xuexue.

Could it be that all these complicated intertwined feelings are aimed at Huai Yonglu alone?

Ye Hong can only gather so many complex feelings in the same person in the world. Ye Hong knows only two words.

Those two words are called love.

So this is the heart disease of Dongfang Muxue?

Ye Hong looked at Dong Muxue's dull expression and pressed her shoulder, suddenly sighing silently: "Dongfang Luyong, it's really not me who killed."

The last time he said this, Huai Tianshu was suspicious.

This time, I didn't know what would happen if Dongfang Muxue heard it.

Dong Muxue's cold eyes suddenly shuddered, even with her lips trembling. Difficult way: "Oriental... Luyong?"

Ye Hong let go of his hand and nodded silently.

At this moment, Ye Hong suddenly understood why Huaiyonglu's pseudonym would take the East as his surname.

Presumably it is guilt for Dongxue Muxue...or rather, miss.

Dongfang Muxue's tense body suddenly collapsed to the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

Two lines of tears ran down her cheeks.

The girl-like face, like the wall falling, quickly reveals wrinkles.

A few flowers of silver thread fell off the beret.

Seems to be dozens of years old.

"I miss him...

I have been thinking about him all these years!


Dongxue Muxue no longer covers his true emotions, crying helplessly on the ground like a little girl.

At this moment she was not the ruthless sand court Shura, just a lonely woman who missed love.

"Ding! Treatment of heart disease, medical skills +1, heart meal ability +1..."

"Finally unlocked..."

Eastern Dragon Qi sighed silently and waved around.

The family members immediately left the top of the mountain in an interesting way.

Immediately, Dongfang Longqi looked at Ximen Hongjie and Shangguan Wangxuan.

"Ah? Am I leaving too?"

Ximen Hongjie asked slowly, but was quickly pulled away by Shangguan Wangxuan on the side, and left the mountaintop together.

Wei Qianling glanced at Yehong and Dongfang Muxue, and retreated with interest.

In this way, only the Dragon Dragon Qi, Oriental Ning Yun, and Ye Hong and Dong Mu Xue in the shooting range remain.

Dongfang Muxue has been crying for a long, long time, as if to expel all the pain from these decades with tears.

After a long time, the cry gradually subsided.

But Dongxue Muxue still sat on the ground, murmured silently with his eyes: "I know it's not you who killed him, he killed himself."

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