Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2181: Go, Murong family!

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Ye Hong, who got the photo, did not rush to leave Kyoto.

In the next few days, he studied the photo in the Yongguo Pavilion.

But no matter whether he uses detective ability or recovery ability, he can't restore the whole picture.

It seems that this picture has been destroyed by some kind of mysterious force, so that it can't be restored basically.

"Is it true to go to the Ximen family?"

Ye Hong thought of the clue behind the photo.

For the Ximen family, Ye Hong's impression has always been the leader of the ancient clan.

Although this leader is not very healthy recently, the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse, and it is still the most powerful and most insignificant existence of the traditional ancient ethnic forces.

Yehong and the Ximen family had several conflicts, both indirect and direct.

Ye Hong has always regarded the Simon family as his biggest threat in Kyoto.

Especially in the time of the Wild Grass Valley in Dongting Province, the four kings combined with the thorns and wanted to take the life of Yehong.

After that, there was only one place between Yehong and Ximen's family.

But now Ye Hong is most concerned about the information disclosed in the photos.

This is the abnormal intimacy between Huai Yonglu and the Simon family.

If the Simon family really has anything to do with the Nightmare Factory, it means that Ye Hong’s two most feared enemies are actually wearing the same pants!

This sensational news will greatly change Yehong's future strategic layout.

So he had to go to Simon's house in person to confirm this.

So the question is, in what attitude should we enter the Simon family?

Visit as an official temple consultant?

Kick in as an enemy?

Or quietly sneak in?

still is......

Ye Hong suddenly picked up the dragon Qi Ling on the table, and his eyes flashed with bad intentions.

"Right, why didn't you hear any news from the dream?"

Ye Hong suddenly slapped his head, remembering that he had promised Murong to go to Murong's house a few days ago.

Strangely, after Murong heard the dream and returned home, he never contacted Ye Hong again.

Ye Hong frowned, picked up the phone and called Murong to listen to the dream.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off..."

Yehong this time is not as simple as frowning.

A killing almost turned into substance, flashed in his eyes.

The might of the ancient warrior broke out uncontrollably.


The glass window in front of him shattered without warning, screaming out of the aisle outside.

In a surprised look, Ye Hong's figure suddenly ran out of the Yongguo Pavilion.

He stopped the car along the road and headed towards Diaochan District to the south.

Inside the car, the taxi driver enthusiastically asked, "Handsome, where are you going?"

"Murong family."

Ye Hong replied indifferently.

Somehow, the taxi driver always felt cold behind him.

He couldn't help but shudder, and whispered while driving, "I've seen the ghost, it's not winter yet, why is it so cold?"

Perhaps he was worried about the neglect of the guests. He continued to chat with Ye Hong: "Handsome guy, wouldn't you also read the Murong family's [promotional post]?"

"Invite posts?"

Yehong frowned deeper and deeper.

The taxi driver didn't seem to find anything strange yet, showing off like: "But isn't it.

You also know that the Murong family is our famous big dog in Kyoto, and the family is rich!

But I heard that their family Qianjin Murong is a first-class beauty! "

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