Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2182: Lady Wonder

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Yehong didn't speak, but just listened to the taxi driver in silence.

But somehow, that face is more and more like an ice cube.

"Just a few days ago, the wife of the Murong family's wife-[Liang Luoying] wife posted a post at the Kyoto Forum.

The content of the post is roughly to invite young talents from Kyoto to gather in the Murong family.

Said to choose an excellent future husband for her baby girl.

By the way, do you know?

This wonderful woman is not the first time to do such a wonderful thing.

As early as twenty years ago, when she was not married to Murong, the current head of Murong, she published a message in the headlines of the Kyoto newspaper.

The content of the news was that he threatened Murong Chuo to marry him, or he would have to tell Murong Chuo that he would not repay the loan.

Do you say this woman is amazing? "

The taxi driver shook his head and suddenly sighed, "Alas, it's just that the years are not forgiving.

If I were 20 years younger, I would definitely go to Murong's house to try my luck.

I don’t care if people look good or not, mainly the property of Murong’s wealthy country..."

Without speaking, the taxi driver felt that the cold from his back was getting worse.

The entire back seems to condense into ice.

Immediately scared him to a sudden brake, touched his back in horror.


There was a loud sound of closing the door behind the driver. When the driver looked back, Ye Hong had already got out of the car.

"Hey! I haven't given the money yet!"

As soon as he shouted, he met a pair of cold eyes.

At this moment, the driver only felt that he was being targeted by a wild beast.

Suddenly he understood the source of the chill just now.

"I, I mean... wish, good luck to you all..."

The driver shivered and smiled, but it was even uglier than crying.

Just when he thought the order was to be made in vain, a few bills flew into the car window.

"Thank you guests!"

He quickly pulled up the window and stomped on the accelerator. He fled from the scene as if flying.

Yehong got off halfway, and her feet went south like the wind.

The speed of terror seemed to blow across the street with a gust of wind.

In an instant, the road was chaotic, pedestrians panicked, and fled around.

Amidst the chaos, Yehong kept walking.

Until a Sancha junction, it was stopped by a team of people in uniform.

"Hey you......"

Ye Hong was impatiently shining a piece of bamboo in front of them as they approached with a serious face.

When they saw the three highly personalized words above, the group of people changed their faces, and respectfully gave way.

In this way, Ye Hong entered the Diao Chan District unimpeded all the way to his destination.

Murong family.

One of the top ten ancient tribes in Kyoto, with a long history and fame.

However, in the catastrophe that happened 40 years ago, the Murong family suffered terribly, almost as miserable as the Dugu family.

Fortunately, the gods favored Murong's family out of a business demon.

That is the former head of the Murong family-Murongge.

Murongge's martial arts are mediocre, but he loves the way of doing business.

However, his talent, the Murong family before the catastrophe, was much despised.

After the catastrophe, the Murong family was in vain. It was Murong Ge who used his ability to pull the endangered family back from the edge of the abyss.

In order to revitalize the family economy and follow the example of the Eastern family, he still allowed the Murong family to withdraw from the ranks of the ancient people and enter the business community.

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