Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2185: The conference begins

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At this time, Ye Hong didn't care about these two people.

So even if Ximen Hongjie jumped in a dejected manner, Ye Hong just glanced at him nonchalantly.

Then he continued to bow his head and think about his own affairs.

Ximen Hongjie and Shangguan Wangxuan saw Yazi in a bad mood, and they dared not provoke him.

After glancing at each other, he quietly bypassed Yehong and sat down at a position farther away.

In this way, only Ye Hong sat on this table.

The young talents present at this time had long lost the contempt gesture just now, but looked at Yehong solemnly.

Nonsense, is it possible to let the children of the Ximen and Shangguan families give up their seats at the same time?

It's just that they don't know Ye Hong's specific identity yet.

But this does not prevent them from treating Ye Hong as the most terrifying competitor today.

At three shots in the day, there was a sudden burst of drums at the door.

The young man who just signed up with Yehong just changed shape and came to the host of the family invitation meeting.

I don't know if the performance is up to standard, so the status has risen?

At this time, he was wearing a festive red robe, like the master of ceremonies in an ancient wedding.

But the nondescript is holding a modern microphone in his hand, smiling and facing everyone present.

"You young talents from all over the world, younger brother Murong Xiaokai, are peripheral children of the Murong family.

Talent, as the host of this conference, I also hope you can give more face. "

"Scue him less, start quickly!"

A grumpy young man yelled out loud.

There was also a rush of urging sound underneath.

Murong Xiao Kai kept making laughs. Although he belonged to the Murong family, he did not dare to offend so many young talents of extraordinary origin at one time.

"Since that is the case, the younger brother will make a long story short and introduce the rules of this recruitment conference."

He clapped his hands while saying, someone immediately raised a boxy red cloth.

On the red cloth was a dazzling maze map.

"As you can see, this is the test that you need to go through in this recruitment meeting.

Whoever passes the test first can meet our young lady and old lady. "

Just when everyone looked at the map confusedly, Murong Xiaokai pointed at the red cloth and smiled: "This test is divided into three levels. I can't disclose the specific levels. You will know when you go in."

The only rule of this meeting is that you are not allowed to actively touch anything in the garden.

Violators are eliminated directly.

Well, the recruitment meeting officially started! "

Murong Xiaokai announced without warning.

At the same time, the garden gate also opened to everyone.

Everyone at the scene didn't expect the activity to start so abruptly. For a time, they were struggling with the map or the advanced garden.

After a while, the scene was like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea showing their magical powers.

The honest man still carried the map there, and the smarter one took the phone directly.

As for the overbearing such as Ximen Hongjie, he rushed forward and took off the red cloth.

In the eyes that everyone dares to speak, they proudly take the red cloth as their own.

At the same time, he glanced at Yehong slightly provocatively.

"Hey, even if you are powerful, but I have mastered the most critical map, you can't grab it with me now?!"

This is the real thought of Ximen Hongjie at this time.

For all this, the Murong family just smiled and looked, there seemed to be no idea to stop it at all.

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