Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2186: Mobile maze

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Yehong just glanced at the maze map and walked into the garden indifferently.

Where no one noticed, the corners of his mouth made a sneering arc.

If you read it right, this map...

Ye Hongben was the competitor who made everyone warn the most. At this time, he was the first to walk into the garden, and the others present could not bear it.

One after another, the memory map was ignored, and they followed one after another.


The door closed tightly, and the Murong family members outside the door burst into laughter.


After entering the garden, Ye Hong found that the surroundings of the garden were specially arranged.

Through some props such as stones, wooden walls, bamboo boards, etc., the garden is isolated from the bifurcation roads.

At a glance, like the map, it was an unfathomable maze.

However, Ye Hong looked at the labyrinth, but his face was really like this.

The entrance to the labyrinth in front of you is not the same as the map just described in some details.

Although Ye Hong only glanced at it, he also noticed that the portrayal of the maze entrance on the map was seven branches.

There are nine of them that can appear in front of you.

In other words, it was a fake map deliberately released by the Murong family in order to confuse everyone.

So just now everyone was so painstakingly trying to memorize the map, it was totally three words-fooled.

As for why Yehong noticed that the map was useless in advance, it was because he found that the structure of the map was prominently unreasonable.

So he concluded that it was a map drawn out of thin air.

"It seems that Mrs. Liang is more naughty than she thought."

Ye Hong shook his head in tears and laughed, and chose the nearest road to walk in.

It is rumored that Murong Chuo is polite and honest, and should not do such a prank.

Thinking and thinking can only come from the handwriting of the famous lady Liang Luoying.

Later, the people who came in knew that they had been fooled, and while advancing, they were also heading towards different forks.

As for Ximen Hongjie, who originally thought the winning ticket was held, he tore the map into tears.

On the other side, Ye Hong was observing the environment while exploring in the maze.

If you follow the general labyrinth, Yehong will definitely move to the north, because that is the location of the loft of the Murong family's main house in the rumor.

However, since I guess this is Liang Luoying's work, it cannot be analyzed according to the ordinary labyrinth thinking.

"Ding! Trigger mastery detective ability, trigger mastery scene memory ability, trigger mastery hearing, trigger mastery smell..."

Yehong's five senses are all open, and he remembers every place he walked through.

But suddenly, Ye Hong stopped and looked at a stone in front of him with a frown.

If you remember correctly, he passed the intersection three minutes ago, and the stone was facing north.

However, it is now facing the west.

That is to say...

This is a mobile maze!

Some things in the maze can be moved!

This makes it difficult to solve the labyrinth, which has increased several difficulties at once!

And because the only rule is not to actively touch the things in the garden, Ye Hong can't violently solve the maze, and can only continue to find the correct route.

Things suddenly became tricky.

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