Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2187: a family of three

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Yehong was in a room in the garden while thinking about the solution.

This is a room full of displays.

On each display, there are monitoring screens at various positions in the maze.

A beautiful middle-aged beautiful woman is standing in front of these pictures with a smirk.

The middle-aged beautiful woman is very well-maintained, with no traces of years on her white face, just like the young girl of Fangling.

Only the occasional majesty and vicissitudes of her eyes revealed her true age.

But these beautiful eyes are full of mischief at the moment.

In short, this is a strange woman full of confusion all over her body.

"Huh? Did you find Strange so soon?

It seems that this kid named Ye is not that stupid. "

This middle-aged beautiful woman aimed her eyes at Ye Hong's picture.

On the sofa behind her, Murong Tingmeng was holding her head depressed, and looked at the excited woman in front of the monitoring screen without a word.

"Mom, can you be naive?

Do you think this little trick can stop our store manager? "

Murong sighed silently when he heard the dream: "You talk about you, you are all old, and you tricked me home with the trick of pretending to be sick.

What kind of hiring conference did you have? It was really speechless to you.

Oops... In short, you should quickly return the phone to me, otherwise I worry that the store manager will really tear down our house. "

"Your conscienceless girl quickly shut up for me!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman turned back, glaring at Murong and listening to the dream, scolding and cursing: "Your old lady, I pulled you up with a **** and a lady, so you are doing this to me?

What's so good about him, Ye Hong, is it worth you to stay in that egret city without even thinking about it, not even returning home? ! "

The atmosphere in the room suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, a middle-aged man next to him was helplessly sighed.

The middle-aged man wore a royal blue suit, with a graceful face and elegant temperament, as if he were a scholar.

He saw the mother-daughter in front of him again and began to quarrel nonstop, with some headaches said: "You don't have to say anything.

Wife, you really are too. Xiaomeng is so big, he must have his own ideas.

As parents, we should not forcefully interfere with her life..."

Before he had finished speaking, he was stared at by the murderous gaze of the middle-aged beautiful woman. He suddenly scared his neck away and swallowed all the rest back.

Murong Tingmeng shook his head contemptuously and muttered: "Dad's status in this house is getting lower and lower."

That's right, the middle-aged man next to him is Murong Chuo, the contemporary head of the Murong family and the father of Murong's dream.

As for the middle-aged beautiful woman, needless to say, it was Murong Liang, the wonderful mother of Murong who had heard the dream of moving to Kyoto.

It is also the initiator and organizer of this conference.

However, it seems that in this Murong family, Liang Luoying's status is the highest.

Seeing that neither the father nor the daughter spoke anymore, Liang Luoying glanced at Yehong, who was still in place on the display, and flicked her hair proudly: "Xiaomeng, you always blow Yehong up to heaven, and now it seems that this is not the case. Well.

I didn't make a small plan, so I was stumped. "

Murong pouted his lips, but there was no worry on his face.

Murong, who was on the side, saw that Liang Luoying turned back again and hurried to Murong listening to the dream, quietly asked: "Xiaomeng, if Yehong really passed the test in the end, what would you do?"

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