Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2192: When Taekwondo meets Gu Wu

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If you barely say that the first test is intelligence, the second test is force.

At the moment when the announcement was heard, the young man's eyes on the opposite side suddenly gleamed.

"Great, I am the eighth segment of Taekwondo Black Belt!"

Saying that the fear on Ye Hong completely disappeared, only a smug smile.

While moving his hands and feet, he arrogantly approached Yehonghong step by step: "Hey, it was bad luck to meet me.

Do you consider surrendering?

I can make you a little decent. "

Yehong didn't move, but just looked at the man with a fool's gaze.

The young man was directly irritated by Ye Hong's eyes, and roared loudly, attacking Ye Hong defiantly.

I saw him touching the ground with one foot, his body volleyed back.

With the power of gyration, the other foot quickly kicked a flying kick at Yehong.

It is the famous whirlwind kick in Taekwondo.

This trick is quick and concise, fierce and fierce, and often makes many people fail to respond.

No wonder this youth club is so confident.

However, he did not know what monster was standing in front of him.

"Trick and worm skills."

Ye Hong yawned and moved his legs lazily.

This movement was swift and swift, kicking directly on the leg where the youth flew.


With a crunchy crack of bones, the young man's triumphant look stiffened on his face and instantly lost his blood.

However, Ye Hong's foot is not over yet.

After the violent force kicked the young man's leg bones, the remaining strength continued to kick the young man away.

"Boom-Boom-Boom -"

This flight not only hit the stone wall, but also smashed several labyrinth organs in the face.

Ye Hong has long been unhappy with these institutions.

Now that there are good reasons to destroy, how can he not use them?

"Oh hey--"

The young people couldn't help wailing on the ground, and then several people dressed in Murong family costumes appeared.

They carried the young man away while looking at Yehong in fear.

Especially when I saw those stone walls kicked by Ye Hong, my cheeks kept twitching.

Ye Hong glanced at them lightly, and went on to the next intersection.

If it had been before, Ye Hong would not lay down such heavy feet.

But somehow, he was particularly irritable today.

It can only be said that the young man who unfortunately met Ye Hong must not have looked at the almanac today.

In the surveillance room, Murong saw the scene and jumped excitedly.

Liang Luoying snorted coldly: "After solving a small problem, what's worth the excitement.

After he passes my brother's level, you come to celebrate. "

Murong suddenly made a big grimace to his mother's back.

Murong Chuo couldn't help but sigh in silence.

No one knows his wife better than he does.

Liang Luoying seemed to be full of confidence, but Murong Chuo heard the words shake.

Obviously, Ye Hong's neat and clean resolution of his opponent's scene just affected Liang Luoying's mood.

After solving the young man, Ye Hong met several people in succession.

Without exception, he was easily sent out of the game.

But at the same time, they were subject to the special "care" of Ye Hong without exception.

Either you hurt your muscles or your bones. In short, no one can stand out.

All of a sudden, everyone in the maze was in danger, all avoiding Yehong.

Da Lao Yuan saw Ye Hong approaching, and immediately ran away, without any hesitation.

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