Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2193: Small animals

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The fleeing of those people made Yehong not meet anyone for a long time.

Ye Hong didn't care, anyway, someone would hide and meet him.

No, there is one right in front of me.

When Ye Hong walked to the end of a road, a special figure was found here.

It was the little boy who had been seen in the doorway before but was six or seven years old but very mature.

At this time, the little boy was squatting and shrinking in the corner.

Seeing Ye Hong appear, his face changed, and then he showed a harmless smile from humans and animals, saying: "Hello Big Brother, I am Chang Bin of the Chang Family in Yuhuan District. You can call me Xiao Bin."

Ye Hong frowned and asked faintly, "What are you doing here?"

Perhaps ordinary people will be deceived by Chang Bin's childish appearance, but Ye Hong knows that this little boy is not simple.

After all, when I was seven years old, I thought about attending the recruitment conference, which is definitely different from ordinary people.

"Cough cough." Chang Bin patted the dust on his butt, his eyes rolled a few times, revealing a helpless look: "Xiao Bin knows that he is the weakest among the applicants.

So at the beginning of the second level, Xiao Bin hid here.

Xiao Bin doesn’t want to fight for anything, just hopes not to suffer from the flesh..."

He looked up at Yehong, his eyes twinkling, and said pitifully: "Brother, shouldn't you come to hurt poor Xiaobin?"

Ye Hong looked at Chang Bin silently, and that expressionless face made Chang Bin keep swallowing.

Suddenly, Ye Hong turned and made a move away.

Chang Bin breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes flashed the light of success.

However, at this moment, Ye Hong gently took a step towards Chang Bin's position.

This step happened to move into a certain range.

"Do not!"

Chang Bin shouted desperately.

"Meet the conditions for the duel and start a random duel."

After the familiar announcement, it was of course a moving stone wall that sealed the two in a confined space.

Looking at Ye Hong's playful gaze, Chang Bin was paralyzed on the ground without crying: "I admit defeat.

Please be light..."

Ye Hong didn't treat him politely, when he came to Chang Bin, he had to throw him to the stone wall beside him.

But at this moment, Chang Bin's eyes flashed a bit of cruelty.


A flash of light suddenly flashed in the confined space, but when Chang Bin approached the undefended by Yehong, he suddenly pulled out a blade from his shoes.

And fiercely crossed towards Yehong's face!

"No one can stop me from inheriting Murong's property!"

At this moment, a chilling glare was revealed in the child's eyes.

"Little beast."

Ye Hongdan spit out three words lightly, but instead grabbed his palm, slapped it on Chang Bin's face.


The crisp slap sound directly stunned Chang Bin.

The pain on his face has not gone, and there is another pain in his hand.

Ye Hong knocked down Chang Bin's hand while knocking down the blade.

Immediately kicked, kicking Chang Bin onto the stone wall.

After a series of offenses, Chang Bin could not fully react.

When he found out that he had been eliminated, all the pain in his body suddenly burst out.


He finally couldn't bear the depressed child's heart, and howled on the ground.

Watching the Murong family send Chang Bin down, Ye Hong had no pity in his eyes.

If it was said that she was purely venting to others just now, Ye Hong's ruthless actions this time were intentional.

That's right, he is going to abolish Chang Bin.

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