Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2194: Liang Makuno

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Chang Bin was only about seven years old, but his mind was so sinister and evil.

If he is allowed to grow up, it must be another traitor.

So Ye Hong joined Fang Cai's hands and added his own dark energy.

Not only was Chang Bin's hand scrapped, but he was also banned with the possibility of learning martial arts.

And because this dark power comes from Ye Hong's hands, ordinary people don't want to clear it at all.

I just hope that these secrets can give Chang Bin some lessons and make him a good man.

After finishing Chang Bin, Ye Hong found that the labyrinth was much quieter.

It seems that at this level, many people should have been eliminated.

Yehong continued to wander aimlessly, suddenly walking, looking sideways at a side road.

In the middle of the fork, a middle-aged man stood calmly.

This man should be around forty to fifty, with a bunch of lush beards covered in Yingwu's national character.

The muscular arms were wrapped around his chest like a mountain standing on the ground.

Calmness is the first feeling this person gives to Yehong.

Ye Hong whispered, watching the man approaching himself.

Ordinary people are too late to hide from him, this person actually approached him actively.

What made Honghong frown even more was that he had not seen this person among the applicants at the door.

"In the Xialiangmuye."

The middle-aged man walked up to Yehong, but he started to introduce himself: "I am a member of the Liang family and an uncle who listens to dreams.

My naughty sister, let me test you. "

Hearing Liang Muye's unspoken words, Ye Hong frowned slightly.

Liang Muye is certainly not a member of the applicant, so his appearance has actually broken the rules.

But because the rule-maker was Liang Luoying, no one could object.

And since Liang Luoying would rather break the rules and send Liang Muye to stop Yehong, that is to say, Liang Luoying doesn't want Yehong to pass this test?

Thinking of this, Ye Hong couldn't help feeling more headaches for this woman.

In the monitoring room at this time, Liang Luoying was already cheering for Liang Muye: "Come on, Brother, give this kid a lesson!"

Murong's dreams were staring closely at the monitoring screen, his face worried.

However, at this moment, the scene passed back through the monitoring screen made the three present all stunned.

I saw Liang Muye suddenly shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly at Ye Hong: "My sister is really too. Let me come if I don't understand anything at all.

Where am I your opponent..."

Liang Liangye's words left all three people in the surveillance room dumbfounded.

Liang Muye is the legendary ancient warrior, and they are the strong signs of Murong family.

But this strong man admitted that he was not Ye Hong's opponent? !

This made the three present feel unreal.

But Murong listened to the dream but smiled.

Although she does not understand the standard division of the ancient martial arts, as an assistant of Yehong, she more or less knows that Yehong is also a master of ancient Wu.

It was just that there was no confidence and Yehong and his uncle were stronger or weaker.

But Liang Muye's statement made Murong listen to the dream and finally put down the stone hanging in his heart.

She glanced at the ugly face of Liang Luoying and a stunned Murong Chuo, and laughed inwardly: "You don't know much about him!"

On the other side, facing Hong Liangye's position, Ye Hong did not show surprise, as if it had been expected.

"The one who secretly protects your dreams is you?"

Ye Hong glanced at him and asked faintly.

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