Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2196: Teach you how to play formation

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A screaming alarm sounded over Diao Chan District.

Numerous security personnel came outside Murong's house, and even Yan Wujun and Yan group were alarmed and came to the neighborhood together.

The Murong family members outside the family didn't know what was happening in the family, and they were panicked.

In the monitoring room, Murong Chuo's phone was about to be blasted.

But he had no time to answer the phone at this time, just staring closely at the monitoring screen.

The same is true for Liang Luoying and Murong.

All three of the family rushed to the display, and the three big faces were almost stuck on it.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the picture on the display screen became clearer and clearer.

You can see through the picture that there is already a lot of devastation.

The surrounding stones were exploded into pieces, accompanied by bumpy ground, and scattered debris of organs.

Among the ruins, Liang Muye's face was covered with ash after the explosion, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

But he looked at the other side with a complex face.

In front of him, Ye Hong still maintained the previous posture, and did not even leave half a step.

Even a little bit of dust did not fall on his body, let alone hurt.

That is to say, Liang Muye's most smug trick could not hurt Ye Hong's half-hair.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, when this scene of despair appeared in front of him, Liang Mu's ambition was extremely uncomfortable.


With a sigh of loss, he leaned back and forth, lying on the ground without a figure.

"Alas, I really took it for myself."

He sighed bitterly again.

At this moment, in the ears of Liang Muye lying on the ground, there was a voice: "Your large minestone array is defective, so it has insufficient power."

Suddenly, Liang Muye couldn't help raising his head and looked at Ye Hong and asked, "What defect?"

Ye Hong shook his head and walked to the left of the pattern around the ground.

"Ding! Trigger the entry-level formation awareness ability, analyze the lack of formation..."

"Ding! Trigger mastery level copy strengthening ability to strengthen the current formation..."

Ye Hong didn't speak, but just picked up a piece of gravel and painted it on the array as a pen.

"For example, at this point, there is too much indoctrination of fire, which affects the balance with the idea of ​​earth."

"There is still this point, you should not rush to input the idea of ​​the earth, but wait for another place to merge first and then input to avoid conflicts."

"And here..."

Liang Muye didn't know when he had squatted beside the formation. He listened attentively to Ye Hong's shortcomings in the formation, and nodded again and again from time to time.

It's like a student listening carefully.

This scene was completely captured by the monitoring on the side and fed back to the monitoring room.

In the monitoring room, Liang Luoying pouted, suddenly said to Murong Chuo with no expression: "Her husband, I feel that our investment in these years has been invested in the dog.

How can you say Liang Muye how to cook like this? ! "

Looking at Liang Luoying, who collapsed, Murong Chuo smiled bitterly.

When I carry it, I call him Big Brother. When I crotch, I call him a dog. This is too real...

Murong listened to the dream but slipped out of the monitoring room quietly while no one was paying attention.

On the other side, Liang Muye had already cast his ground on Yehong's five bodies.

If it wasn't for Ye Hong to stop everything, he would have kowtowed to the teacher.

Finally, he can only leave with regret.

And at this moment, the sound of the announcement came back to the sky.

"At present, there are only two competitors left, and the final stage of the recruitment conference will be tested."

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