Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2197: Third pass

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Just as this broadcast sounded, all the organs in the garden retracted underground.

The beautiful ancient garden only reveals its original appearance.

The golden tiles shone with charming light under the reflection of sunlight.

Numerous pools are surrounded by small pavilions, and occasionally swarms of swans play in the pool comfortably.

Even the courtyard and the steps of the courtyard are paved with precious vermilion porcelain plates.

This is the breath of the rich and the rich, and is what the Murong family, the first family in the Kyoto business community, should have had.

Ye Hong glanced around and found out that the competitors he saw this morning were almost empty.

Not far away, only a familiar figure stood in amazement.

Shangguan Wangxuan.

It seems that the only two competitors left in the broadcast are referring to Ye Hong and Shangguan Wangxuan.

Seeing Yehong looking at it, Shangguan Wangxuan gave a slight salute and said with a bitter smile: "Consultant Ye, I actually don't want to compete with you in the future.

It is really the mission of the family, and dare not violate it. "

After talking, he sighed helplessly.

But when he looked up, he found that Ye Hong was not listening to his words at all, but he carelessly looked around.

The contempt of Chiguoguo made Shangguan Wangxuan's cheeks twitch slightly, his eyes flashed with anger.

Suddenly, the two of them looked in the same direction.

I saw a graceful figure, the models came from a distance.

She was wearing an ancient dress, and her whole body was full of grace and elegance.

A long hair grows into a bun with delicate hosta hairpins, and two strands hang from both sides of the fair face.

Looking at the familiar but rather young facial features, if Ye Hong had already guessed the identity of this person, she might be regarded as Murong's sister.

Shangguan Wangxuan also changed his face, and quickly respected the salute: "The younger Shangguan Wangxuan has seen Mrs. Liang."

Yes, this person is naturally Liang Luoying.

The mysterious woman who dominated the recruitment conference and turned all the young talents together.

Liang Luoying walked up to the two, but instead of ignoring Guanwangxuan, he stared straight at Yehong.

Ye Hong nodded in a humble manner.

In terms of status alone, Ye Hong's status as a temple consultant is completely above Liang Luoying.

According to common sense, Liang Luoying saluted him.

However, this is a person who does not play cards according to common sense.

Shangguan Wangxuan, who was hanging aside, was extremely embarrassed, neither was it straight up, nor was it continued to salute, and the whole person was quite stumped.

Finally, Liang Luoying spoke.

"The third hurdle was operated by me personally."

Liang Luoying carried his hands on his back, and a strange arc evoked in the corner of his mouth: "As long as you can smooth this third level, you can see my daughter."

Shangguan Wangxuan was immediately excited, full of excitement: "The younger generation will definitely redouble their efforts, and will never live up to Mrs. Liang’s great hope!"

I didn't expect Liang Luoying to continue to ignore Shangguan Wangxuan, but just said lightly: "I have listened, I have a question."

I saw her pondering a little, slowly saying: "There is a beggar whose life is dying and a rich man who is also dying at the same time appears in front of you, and the medicine in your hand is only enough to save one of them, you will choose to save Who?"

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Wangxuan shouted without thinking, "Of course it is to save the rich!"

Liang Luoying finally glanced at Shangguan Wangxuan. He couldn't see any anger in the calm and watery face, but just asked faintly: "Tell me why."

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