Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2309: It’s not that the enemy doesn’t get together

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For the major members of the Blue Thunder team who have just encountered the darkest encounter in their life, they have no time to adjust the recovery. They naturally hope that their game will be better as soon as possible.

But sometimes life just likes to joke.

The more the Blue Thunder team prays, the more contrary to their wishes.

No, the first one got them.

It's no wonder that other teams made a gloating voice.

"Then please let the captain of the Blue Thunder team stand next to me first."

The official official of the event had no fluctuations on his face, as if he didn't see the commotion underneath, shouting at himself.

Kluber sullenly walked out of the crowd to the official.

Because Ye Hong had the idea to teach Klub at that time, it was dark energy in that foot.

So now Kluber still has a dark wound on his waist.

The pain from time to time made him walk upright like a pregnant woman with a big belly.

Seeing his funny posture, many people laughed secretly.

Klub stood still, and gave a fierce glance to the people underneath.

But suddenly, his eyes were fixed in one direction, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's them!"

The anger in Kluber's heart suddenly burned, and there was only one teenager and five girls in his eyes!

Before Kluber vented the anger, the official next door had already drawn a second team card.

"The team against the Blue Thunder is..."

For some reason, the official's mouth slightly ticked and read out the team's name.

"Phoenix Rose Team from YPL Division!"

As soon as this sentence came out, there was a strange silence in the background.

What followed was a lively discussion than just before.

"God, what kind of **** luck does this Blue Thunder team encounter the weakest of all the teams!"

"Let us congratulate the Blue Thunder team in advance."

The team on the spot obviously also knew the information of each team in advance, and they all knew that Phoenix Rose was the only female team.

Originally they were still gloating over the Blue Thunder team, but at this time they were full of envy.

Why didn't such good luck come to them.

At the same time, the people of the two major teams of YPL also happily let go of their bodies, exposing the members of the Phoenix Rose team to everyone's attention.

Because most of Phoenix Rose's previous games were online games.

Occasionally, a few offline games are also unknown small games.

So apart from the people of YPL, no other team has seen the true look of this team member.

Today's five little phoenixes didn't wear their usual casual clothes, but changed into team costumes.

This suit was designed and created by the five of them.

Slim long trench coats draped behind them.

Each windbreaker has its own characteristics.

Night Phoenix Night Zhinuo's team uniform embroidered a dark black phoenix flying in the sky.

The sharp eyes are like two pearls in the night.

Among the long beaks, there is a pink rose that is green and dripping.

By analogy, the phoenix behind the blue phoenix and blue deer is blue, the book phoenix Wei Wanshu is silver gray, and the other two phoenixes Qiao Xiaoshui and Qiao Xiaoxi are sky blue and orange, respectively.

The five brilliant girls suddenly became a very dazzling scenery on the field.

However, it seems that no one appreciates their appearance, but with a strong contempt and contempt.

Only the members of the Blue Thunder team changed their faces.

It seems that like Kluber, they have recognized these girls as the culprit that caused them to be treated inhumanly that day.

The group of people raised their heads subconsciously and looked around in horror.

I'm afraid that those black men in the dark will come out from where.

"I have the captain of the Phoenix Rose team."

Hearing the official, Ye Zhinuo stepped out of the crowd and stepped onto the stage.

Almost every step she took, she could hear laughter from her ears.

"What kind of esports do girls play? Go home and watch TV series!"

"Trouble waiting for a quick surrender, to save us some time later."

However, Ye Zhinuo's face did not fluctuate at all, which was a bit indifferent to her brother.

Kluber's fierce eyes stared at Ye Zhinuo from start to finish, as if it were a beast that ate people.

"It turns out you!"

He glared and walked to the nearest Night Zhinuo, one by one.

"Ah! Isn't this our noble American, Mr. Kluber?"

Ye Zhinuo seemed to have just seen Kluber, and asked with a surprised expression: "How is it, is the wind outside the city cool?"

She didn't say that. It was okay, as soon as she spoke, she reminded Kluber of what happened that day.

That night, the five of them were thrown outside the city, blowing the cold wind all night, and gnawed a mouthful of yellow sand!

That was the darkest time in his life!

"You stinky girl!"

Kluber no longer has the slightest demeanor, so he will reach out to fight Night Zhino.

But because the action is too large, it directly pulls to the waist injury.


Klub took a breath and suddenly rolled his eyes in pain.

"Wait for me, our Blue Thunder team will cry you guys!"

Kluber was inconvenienced, but he still didn't forget the cold threat.

"Please don't quarrel unnecessarily here.

With this energy, it is better to go to the e-sports field to compete. "

The official said with a blank expression.

Immediately glanced at Ye Zhinuo, said lightly: "The captain of Phoenix Rose, please don't affect the emotions of other team members before the game."

Ye Zhinuo instantly refused to accept.

Asked with his arms akimbo: "Did you not see him provoking first?"

Who knows that the official staff was so dull that he ignored Ye Zhinuo, turned his head and said loudly: "The second matchup draw will start next!"

Ye Zhinuo saw that he was ignored, a sudden coldness flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, there was discrimination against Phoenix Rose even among the official staff.

She didn't say anything, tickled her lips slightly ironically, and stood quietly aside.

Next, in the other three games tonight, a total of six teams were also drawn out one after another.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the rules of S10, before the quarterfinals, teams in the same division will not draw each other.

Coincidentally, neither of the other two teams of YPL played tonight.

But they obviously did not have the idea of ​​leaving, but looked at Phoenix Rose with playful eyes, as if waiting to witness how the five little girls were beaten and crying.

Only Mi Zeduo, Shoe King and Yang Jingqi walked to the Phoenix Rose members and silently cheered.

"The draw is over, and the first match is between the Blue Thunder and Phoenix Rose."

The official looked at the time and signaled to the two teams.

The people of the two teams left the backstage one by one and went to the e-sports stadium.

At this time, the host at the front desk has also finished the hot game, and loudly announced to the crowded audience in the stadium: "Let us have the Beizhou fierce tiger, the most fierce team in the United States, the Blue Thunder team- "

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