Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2310: Night Mirror Live Platform

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When the people of the Blue Thunder team appeared in the eyes of everyone in turn, the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

This loud applause was not only for the Blue Thunder team itself, but also for paying tribute to the powerful country behind them that was known as the world's number one power.

"Five crooked melons, I am much more handsome than them."

In the auditorium, the fat boy looked at the five members of the Blue Thunder team who kept waving to the audience. He scorned his lips and put down his handboard.

"They don't deserve me to write for them."

And this narcissistic to the extreme, naturally met with blindfold from the surrounding audience.

"Then let us please--"

The host seemed to be quite excited and lengthened his voice: "Five lovely flowers from Yan Guo, Phoenix Rose Team--"

The scene was quiet for a while, and then there was a strange and funny laughter and whistle.

"Come here, come here!"

"Look! Our daughter!"

Night food in Anming County.

When seeing Ye Zhinuo's face appeared on the screen, An Xiaoying shook Ye Xiao's sleeve excitedly, yelling at the TV screen.

"I saw... Don't shake, your sleeves are about to crack!"

Ye Xiao looked at his wife helplessly, secretly slandering: Who was the one who firmly opposed her daughter's playing e-sports?

But unlike their excitement, the Internet has already exploded.

In particular, the Yan Guo Network exploded a bunch of unsightly bullets.

[Really the first female tourist team in history? 】

[Doesn’t anyone really think they have beaten the Beizhou Tiger Blue Thunder team? 】

[Alas, the embarrassment was thrown abroad. 】

[Draw the brake! 】


In the auditorium of the e-sports arena, the little boy and the parents next to him were already dull.

"Daddy, mommy, then, how did that person look so cousin Zhinuo..."

The little boy kept rubbing his eyes, thinking he was wrong.

The couple above him looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "You read it right, it might be her..."

On the stage, after a brief introduction by the host, the game officially started soon.

But before starting, the host also explained an additional sentence.

"Because the Phoenix Rose team coach has some physical problems, so their team will be assistant coach Ye Yun for pre-match BP."

When Ye Hong, who deliberately put on his glasses, took to the stage, the laughter below became more obvious.

"This team must be funny, well, I'm sure."

"How does this assistant coach look like a student? Does he understand the rules of the game?"


The three of Fang Cai's family had already stood up straight from the chair.

"Ye, Yehong's cousin?!"

The boy's incredible expression was like seeing a steak flying in the sky.

His parents were so shocked that they were speechless.

What's happening here? !

At the same time, it is located in a dormitory of Jiangda University.

When Ye Hong was seen on the stage, four college students holding take-out boxes spouted out the food in their mouths.

"I may have hallucinations because I haven't eaten meat for a long time, but I saw the fifth..."

"No! His grandmother is the oldest five!"

Originally, when they saw Ye Zhinuo's face, they were already suspicious of life.

Although they used to see Zhinuo and other Phoenix Rose team members in Shenghui Internet Cafe.

But at that time, the five were only a small team playing in the Internet cafe.

They never expected to see these five little girls in such top-level events.

It wasn't until Ye Hong's arrival on the stage that the four roommates were convinced that the five people on the stage were indeed the five young girls!

The four looked at each other, only thinking that the lunch in their hands was not fragrant, and began to look at the computer screen seriously.

At the same time, the Internet is making waves again.

Countless viewers quit the live broadcast room scoldingly.

"There is no need to watch this kind of suspenseless match."

"Just wait for the next game."

Many live broadcast platforms are worried about the loss of viewers, and have temporarily removed the event link on the main page.

The only exception is a live broadcast platform.

That is a live broadcast platform called [Night Mirror].

Soon after its establishment, Night Mirror was a platform unheard of by many people.

Moreover, the content of the platform is monotonous, and most of the anchors come from a place called Anjia Village.

The content of the live broadcast is also mostly local pictures.

So this live broadcast platform has not received much attention since its launch.

However, when other live broadcast platforms have dealt with this event coldly today, only night goggles do the opposite.

The platform not only puts the screen on the homepage, but also hangs a link to this game at any prominent position on the website.

All of a sudden, many keyboard men who heard about this incident logged on to the night-going platform with their keyboards and launched a violent barrage offensive.

[Junk platform, it is also equipped with live junk games! 】

[Platform operation, your dad must increase the price of food tomorrow! 】


The night mirror platform is also in this inexplicable situation, and online popularity has risen strangely.

One million... two million... five million...

Yehong, who was far away in the Sith, did not know that the domestic network had been turned upside down.

He is helping the team with tactical arrangements.

But he just recounted what Ruan Biying had already conceived.

Although Yehong may have better tactics, he did not change Ruan Biying's arrangement without authorization.

He knew that Ruan Biying had already blamed herself for the car accident.

In this case, only the victory of the game brought by her tactics can relieve her inner guilt.

So Ye Hong faithfully implemented his assistant coaching staff.

Since he is an assistant coach, don't cross the line and give Ruan Biying the greatest confidence.

"Remember, don't keep your hands and brutally abuse them!"

Before the BP session ended, Ye Hong gave a light command in the headphones.

Several official referees next to them covered their mouths, seeming to be holding a smile because they heard a funny sentence.

The faces of the five little phoenixes showed an unwilling smile.

The game officially started!

"Huh? We can see from the picture that the Blue Thunder team seems to be moving."

Just after entering the game screen, Yan Guo people who are watching the game heard familiar explanation voices in their ears.

This is a long-known anchor of the Orphan Alliance, named Guan Du Milk.

Because of its poisonous milk, which often has a counter-effect on major teams, it is known throughout the e-sports world.

Following the game screen, the audience suddenly saw that the five members of the Blue Thunder team were quietly touching the grass under the Phoenix Rose.

This piece of grass is a necessary place for the Phoenix Rose to go online.

That is to say...

The people of the Blue Thunder team want an ambush!

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