Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2312: Dark Noble

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Perhaps audiences all over the world did not expect that the first competition of this S10 will end so soon.

It took 14 minutes and 59 seconds.

The moment the main fort base exploded, all the five members of the Blue Thunder team collapsed on the chair with eyes loose.

They did not expect that they turned out to be the first team to be eliminated in this competition.

And it was the women’s team that had been despised by them.

Phoenix Rose!

"It was our Phoenix Rose team who won the first win for the YPL division and at the same time won the first victory in this World Series!"

"Let's applaud them together!"

When the two Yan Guo commentaries announced the news in unison, the audience watching the entire Yan Guo game instantly fell into a boil.

On the Internet, [666]'s barrage is like no money, swiping screen after screen.

Audiences who looked down on the Phoenix Rose before the game are ashamed to be speechless at the moment.

The major live broadcast platforms greatly regretted and hurriedly readjusted the game screen to the home page.

However, because of the previous operation, the lost popularity could not return in time.

Instead, it was the night gossip platform that was scolded before, and became the biggest winner of this live broadcast!

Those sprays who had madly poured in before, all became loyal audiences of the platform in an instant.

In Anjia Village, an elegant woman took a sip of tea when she saw the skyrocketing data behind the platform, and her mouth twitched an admiring smile.

"It is indeed the boss, who had long expected the situation today, and specifically made us buy the broadcast right for this game."

Her voice just fell, and the village head, An Runiu, and her daughter, Anya Ya, nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Ye spent so much money at the beginning, I was very distressed, but I didn't expect...

Hi! Or my big old man has no vision, and the pattern of Mr. Ye is incomparable! "

An Runiu scratched his head, showing a smirk.

His daughter was already shining with both eyes, and said to Fang Cai’s elegant woman: "Zhu Zhu, what shall we do next?"

The woman known as President Zhu took a sip of tea gracefully and calmly said: "Of course it is to maintain the boss's strategic plan and firmly bind the new arrivals to our night vision platform.

Go ahead and start a special event, be sure to attract viewers to spend as much as possible. "

Hearing the woman's command, Anya immediately responded excitedly.

In front of me, this woman named President Zhu is, of course, Zhu Ziqi.

From the beginning, the librarian has always been Zhu Ziqi, the media director of Ye Hong.

Since Ye Hong left Anjia Village last time, he had the idea of ​​setting up a live broadcast platform.

So he appointed Zhu Ziqi to handle this matter.

The night goggles platform came into being.

The owner of this platform is naturally Ye Hong himself.

Before the start of this match, Ye Hong, who was far away from the Sith Kingdom, specifically ordered Zhu Ziqi to act according to his orders.

Ye Hong's first order was to let Ye Jing platform do his best to live broadcast the game.

Next is his second order.

After the game, the night goggle platform suddenly broke into a discount VIP activity.

In this event, the night goggle platform launched VIP discount recharge.

In the night mirror platform, VIP also has a more special name-[Dark Night Noble].

The entire dark night nobility system is divided into five levels.

From bottom to top are Ye Nan, Ye Zi, Ye Bo, Ye Hou, Ye Gong, corresponding to the five nobles of the ancient noble Gonghou Bozi Man.

Of course, with these titles, the amount of recharge is also different.

As soon as this system came out, the audience scolded the platform for money.

But just after that, the platform made another announcement.

The announcement stated that all viewers who joined the dark night aristocratic system would be eligible to obtain the Phoenix Rose team's signature surroundings!

This immediately ignited the passion of the audience.

Suddenly, more and more members joined the dark nobility.

Audiences on other platforms have heard about this and have left the original platform and turned into the arms of the night mirror platform.

The entire night vision platform instantly became the hottest spot in the live broadcast industry.

The major platforms grew jealous and questioned the false propaganda of the night goggles platform.

Use the unprecedented surroundings of the Phoenix Rose team to trick the audience to recharge.

But when the official homepage of the night goggle platform showed a signed photo of Captain Phoenix Rose Ye Zhinuo, all platforms collectively lost their voices.

What's so special? !

This is the second step of Yehong's plan.

As the owner of Phoenix Rose, he can easily provide various peripherals of the team.

And this is the biggest advantage of the night goggles platform!

Of course, all these premises must be based on the good results achieved by Phoenix Rose.

Fortunately, the team struggled to win this first game beautifully.

This not only hit the faces of those who despised the Phoenix Rose team, but also attracted a wave of fans.

After all, the girls of Phoenix Rose are not bad looking, and then coupled with **** technology, how can such a team not be loved?

At the same time, it also indirectly helped the night goggles platform to gain a large audience.

Not only did the e-sports live broadcast room gain attention, but even other live broadcast rooms with night goggles platforms also drank soup together.

The female anchors in Anjia Village also found that the popularity of the live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

This allowed them to work harder on live broadcasts, and at the same time their gratitude to Ye Hong rose to another level.

If it was not Yehong who rescued them from the suffering sea and gave them such a good environment, how could they have such a scenery at this time?

At the same time, after hearing about the treatment of the night gossip platform, many anchors also switched to the night gossip platform.

This little-known platform was among the forefront of the live broadcast industry overnight!

It can be said that under the commercial operation of Yehong, the e-sports team and the live broadcast platform are blooming on both sides, which is mutually beneficial and win-win.

"Ding! The operation of the live broadcast platform has been a great success. The live broadcast platform's operating ability is +1, the current progress: 110, the current level: entry level."

At this time, Ye Hong, who was in the Rand City e-sports venue, was taking Ruan Biying to take the five little Phoenixes back to the background.

The five little phoenixes were all excited, and ran over to hug Ye Hong and Ruan Biying one by one.

If it weren’t for Ruan Biying’s inconvenience, they would have to fly directly to her.

The whole team is filled with joy.

Behind him, thunderous applause broke out in the audience.

A wonderful game can bring many changes.

For example, the attitude of the audience.

When Phoenix Rose won the game with superb technology, the audience's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

From the original contempt and ridicule, it has become full of respect now.

In the auditorium, four figures also left, heading backstage.

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